
Revealing the Invisible to Machines with Neuromorphic Vision Systems

July 08, 2021 | 11 AM - 12 PM ET

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Neuromorphic Event-Based Vision is a new paradigm in imaging technology, inspired by human biology. It dramatically improves machines’ ability to sense their environments and make intelligent decisions about what they see. Like human vision, Prophesee’s Event-Based vision technology dynamically senses only the most useful and relevant events in a scene, thanks to intelligent pixels enabling them to activate themselves independently. This allows for unprecedented speed (>10,000 fps time resolution equivalent), dynamic range (>120 dB), data volume (10x to 1,000x less) and power efficiency (<10 mW).

Discover how a new bio-inspired Machine Vision category is transforming Industry 4.0, and how its solutions improve safety, reliability, efficiency and user experiences across a broad range of applications such as High-Speed Counting, Smart Detection and Tracking, Vibration Monitoring, Spatter Monitoring, Machine Learning, Ultra Slow Motion, Optical Flow, Movement Analysis and Monitoring, Fluid Dynamics Monitoring, Kinematic Monitoring and many more.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn what Event-Based Vision is
  • Discover how Event-Based Vision can help you unlock new performance levels in inspection, counting, predictive maintenance and more
  • Find out what the future of industrial automation holds

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Exclusive Sponsor

Sponsor LogoProphesee is the inventor of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems.

The company developed a breakthrough Event-Based Vision approach to machine vision. This new vision category allows for significant reductions of power, latency and data processing requirements to reveal what was invisible to traditional frame-based sensors until now. Prophesee’s patented Metavision® sensors and algorithms mimic how the human eye and brain work to dramatically improve efficiency in areas such as autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, IoT, security and surveillance, and AR/VR.

Prophesee总部位于巴黎、与当地办事处Grenoble, Shanghai, Tokyo and Silicon Valley. The company is driven by a team of more than 100 visionary engineers, holds more than 50 international patents and is backed by leading international investors including Sony, iBionext, 360 Capital Partners, Intel Capital, Robert Bosch Venture Capital, Supernova Invest, and European Investment Bank. More information can be found at www.prophesee.ai.

Image of Luca Verre, Co-Founder and CEO, Prophesee

Luca Verre, Co-Founder and CEO, Prophesee

Luca Verre is Co-Founder and CEO of Prophesee, the inventor of the world’s most advanced neuromorphic vision systems. Prophesee’s patented technology is inspired by human vision, giving sight back to the blind and unleashing new safety standards and autonomy to cars, robots and mobile devices.

Luca is a World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer. He has extensive international management experience in the industrial and electronics sectors. His experience includes project and product management, marketing and business development roles at Schneider Electric. Prior to Schneider Electric, Luca worked as a Research Assistant in Photonics at the Imperial College of London. Luca holds a MSc in Physics, Electronic and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and Ecole Centrale and an MBA from INSEAD.

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