
Getting Started in Digitalization

February 18, 2021 | 2 PM - 3 PM ET

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Today’s industrial organizations face a variety of challenges ranging from consumer demand for customization to increasingly strict regulatory environments to the skills gap introduced by changing workforce demographics. The solution to these problems is to transform the business through digitalization. Digitalization results in more flexible processes, greater visibility into operations, easy and accurate knowledge transfer, and a more responsive organization top to bottom.

The technology behind digitalization is not new but there has been slow adoption in many industry sectors for a number of reasons: cost, perception of difficulty, lack of in-house knowledge, concerns about the learning curve, and plain old inertia. The pandemic clearly demonstrated the value of the technology. Organizations with these capabilities in place have been able to adapt to lockdowns and staffing limitations in a way that traditional operations haven’t. As a result, the number of organizations making the shift to digitalization has increased dramatically.

In this webinar, attendees will learn:

  • How digitalization can transform the business
  • Digitalization use cases
  • The steps to adopt digitalization
  • The essential elements of a digitalization architecture, including hardware, software, and infrastructure
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies for success

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Image of Kristin Lewotsky

Kristin Lewotsky

Kristin is a contributing editor for Motion Control Online and has written about motion control and automation for more than nine years. As a technical writer, she covers a variety of subjects ranging from memory and micro-electronics to nano-technology to lasers and photonics. Kristin previously worked as an engineer on NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Telescope before switching to writing about technology. Kristin holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics and a Master’s in Optics and Photonics from the University of Central Florida.

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Motion Control & Motors