Member Since 2019


Brain Corp is the global leader in robotic AI software that powers the largest fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operating in commercial public spaces. Global OEM partners use the company’s cloud-connected platform, BrainOS®, to create scalable, self-driving robots that are used by end customers to clean floors, move inventory, and sense environmental data to enable the digital transformation of physical workflows.

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AutoDelivery - Powered by BrainOS

POSTED 07/31/2019

Proof of concept robotic delivery tug powered by BrainOS

Service RobotsThis content is part of the Service Robots curated collection. To learn more about Service Robots,click here.
188abc金博宝 This content is part of the Collaborative Robots curated collection. To learn more about Collaborative Robots,188abc金博宝 .