Member Since 2014


Patti Engineering的公司总部于1991年6月3日成立,总部位于密歇根州奥本山,在印第安纳州和德克萨斯州设有办事处。我们拥有将近三十年的经验,可作为客户的可信赖顾问,为制造工厂和配送中心的各种自动化项目提供电气控制和自动化系统设计,硬件,软件和安装。

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 | By: Joe Palace, Senior Electrical Engineer at Patti Engineering

When a robot performs an application, a process, or a validation check on a part, it relies on that part being the same size and being in the exact location before it does its routine. But what if this part is not the same size or is not located where it is supposed to be? The end result is bad things happen, like:

  • A ‘crash’
  • Invalid data results
  • The process does not complete

人类intervention is needed to correct this problem. Hopefully, the problem can be corrected. If it cannot, then the system is down and productivity (and thousands of dollars) is lost.

But sometimes, the part that needs to be processed or checked is not always the same size or cannot be perfectly located in the same location every time. This is where a vision system comes into play.

When is using a Vision System a good idea?

Vision can:

  • 检查零件大小
  • Check the location of the part
  • 继电器结果回到机器人,例如零件大小或x,y,z坐标的位置


There are also some cases where the robot might need to make a decision before executing its path. Say it has to decipher between two different parts because these parts get put into different dunnage. The decision is based off the successful read of a barcode stamped on each part. The robot, with vision capability, can execute this decision in a split second and correctly load the parts in the right dunnage every time, and all on its own. No human interaction is needed.

视觉的另一个情况是引入新部分,其中它们的大小与旧零件不同。可能需要几个月的时间才能将新的固定装置设计为容纳这些零件。有了视觉,一个新程序用于训练新部分,这只会花费一小部分时间,就像新的固定装置一样。Vision标识新部分,然后将正确的作业编号发送到PLC和 /或机器人以处理正确的零件。这里有明确的时间节省。

When is using a Vision System not a good idea?

For robotic applications that process parts from a perfectly located fixture and placed on a pallet, that is firmly placed against a hard stop, using its palletizing algorithm within its own program, there really isn’t a need for a vision system because the parts are always where they should be and the end location where the parts go never changes.


Is Vision right for your Industrial Automation System?

Many determining factors are involved in making the right choice with your automation needs. With Vision Systems as an option, we’ve just touched on a few of them to consider. It’s not always about the cheapest solution but the right one!

It is important to consider how the following factors affect each option (vision system or blind) for your particular application:

  • More human interaction?
  • 停机时间增加?
  • Decrease in production?
  • 更少的系统可靠性?

The cost of these factors add up and could be drastically more expensive than the investment of adding vision to your robotic system.