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Advantech的Edge Intelligence Solutions Power Aiot工业应用开发

POSTED 12/29/2020

在过去的几十年中,信息和通信技术已经发生了几次变化 - 从源自服务器,基于Web,转换为云计算,最近的趋势已转向Edge Computing.Edge Computing允许工业客户使用虚拟化技术,使其变得更加轻松地忙碌和在边缘运行更广泛的应用程序。边缘计算使计算和数据存储更接近所需的位置,以改善响应时间并节省带宽。Advantech相信边缘计算的潜力,并致力于促进边缘智能(EI)解决方案。多年开发产生了解决方案,其中包括尤其是针对边缘,服务器和云设计的集成硬件和软件体系结构,并且还结合了容器化/微服务开发环境。Advantech高级经理Wei-Chieh Chen表示:“ Advantech的EI SolutionsResreshape the Aiot World。EI解决方案包括利基硬件和软件集成以及通过Wise-Marketplace提供更多EDGECOPUTING工业应用程序(I.App),该应用程序提供了许多其他额外的软件服务。完整的生态系统。这些边缘智能启用解决方案允许定位者可以在各个领域开发,部署和管理垂直应用程序,以快速实现创新的破解应用程序。”


Advantech’s WISE-Marketplace is an online app and software services store that offers pre-made industrial apps (I.App) to meetthe needs of industrial users such as Domain Focused Integrators (DFSI), hardware/software developers, and system integrators.WISE-Marketplace forms part of a larger ecosystem that helps industrial manufacturing customers realize their digital transformationpotential. Wei-Chieh Chen described the creation of a typical industrial app, “To develop an industrial app, companies need to spendconsiderable time conducting R&D, collecting data, preparing SDK/APIs, deploying edge devices, and designing a cloud interface.WISE- Marketplace replaces this process with pre-tested and certified I.App/utilities for download and plug-and-play functionality. Thisenabled Ei solutions to configure for peripheral equipment integration, data and cloud connectivity, and AI model execution, as well assolution ready for data and security management and storage applications.

从物联网角度的分层架构中,EI解决方案分为三类。其中包括EI EDGE,EI-SERVERS,ANDWISE-MARKETPLACE解决方案。EI边缘解决方案具有多个外围数据采集接口。如果用户想从预设范围外连接数据源,则可以使用Edgex API轻松访问它们。此外,EI Edge集成了AWS,Azure和Alicloud等云界面功能,并支持Docker容器和K3S的部署和管理。

Ei-Servers form the connecting link from the cloud to the front end. They centrally manage all devices, applications, or microservicesin the environment, and also provide management functions such as load balancing, horizontal expansion, and seamless updatesfor K8s/K3s clusters. Advantech’s WISE-Marketplace app and software services store provides a convenient Ei landing page, whichcontains more I.App offerings, technical documents, and other useful tools. In addition, there are specific release mechanisms forI.Apps, microservices, and containerized or non-containerized environments, as well as self-developed or third-party packages. WISEMarketplaceprovides a forum and authentication mechanism to guide target customers such as industrial users, DFSI, peripheralequipment vendors, and I.App developers to ensure that I.App listings, procurement, and usage processes are consistent and of thehighest quality; it also ensures that all I.App or utilities are compatible and integrate well with each other.