Wipro Limited System Integration Service

Any robotic automation solution involves a plethora of hardware that start generating huge amounts of data once deployed. This data, when captured and analyzed, can help understand operations better and provide process insights. The augmentation of intelligent automation with analytics allows us to quickly identify bottlenecks in various processes and proactively correct them.

At Wipro, we don’t just manage the data collected from various sensors, but also deliver meaningful insights with the aim of enhancing productivity and process efficiency. We track overall equipment efficiency of the solution as well as equipment efficiency of individual components such as robots, machines and mobile manipulators. We run prescriptive and predictive analytics on robot-generated data and setup machine dashboards and process dashboards. We constantly alert our customers on part production trends and energy consumption trends. Our in process automated visual inspection platform runs visual analytics in real time and alerts the shop floor in cases of anomalies.


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