Vecna Robotics System Integration Service

Automated Material Handling

Vecna Robotics

Automated Material Handling Image

Our Automated Material Handling solutions works for you, creating a more efficient material workflow that exceeds customer expectations with minimal overhead. Our self-driving vehicles automate material transport and improve throughput, safety, and productivity. Our solutions are adaptable and scalable to your enterprise’s evolving needs, with vehicles navigating safely around obstacles and alongside workers, and seamlessly added to your operation as demand changes.

  • sustain an uninterrupted workflow
  • adapt to demand changes without sacrificing production pace
  • eliminate unnecessary travel
  • decrease labor costs per output
  • realize new revenue streams & higher profit margins
  • outperform the competition


Beacon is the engine behind our continual performance improvement. This service merges software updates, data analytics, neural networks, and our 24/7 remote operations center together, embodying our customer first commitment. is the world’s first multi-agent AI based orchestration engine. It dynamically coordinates all available resources and distributes tasks based on capabilities, location, and availability. It couples with WMS and MES systems and ensures that every player on the team is optimally performing in real time.

dynamic envelope protection

我们致力于你的安全。我们的汽车rchitected with an aerospace-grade multi-level safety system and ANSI B65.5 compliant. They are equipped with 360- degree sensor protection and adjust speeds based on environmental conditions and load capacity to deliver maximum throughput without sacrificing safety.

the power of learning

Our robots collect data as they work. V-empower analyzes this data and feeds it back into our robots to improve performance, driving a cycle of continuous learning that strengthens your investment.

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