av&rSystem Integration Service

av&r's Robotic Polishing Systems


Our team has developed automated polishing systems to polish manufacturing parts ensuring a consistent surface finish that keeps within your tight tolerances.

av&r's Robotic Polishing Systems Image

AV&R开发了robotic polishingsystems for manufacturing parts with controlled material removal. These parts are:

  • Gas Turbine Parts
  • Orthopaedic Implants

对于平均材料在25至125 µm之间(1至5 mil之间),我们的自动抛光设备可确保从一个部分到另一部分的一致性±15 µm(±0.6 mil)。

Our team has developed this automated polishing equipment to polish manufacturing parts ensuring a consistent surface finish that keeps within your tight tolerances. These systems use closed-loop with inspection feedback, depending on the type of finish to be performed.

Automated Polishing Benefits

When you replace manual polishing or surface finishing by a fully capable robotic system, you:

  • Increase production quality and repeatability
  • Reduces the risk of worker injuries
  • 用集成的灰尘收集器最大程度地减少灰尘的有害影响
  • Optimize tool use resulting in reduced abrasive costs
  • Get faster cycle times
  • Reduce labour costs
  • Save time and ensure quality by combining automated inspection and validation in the same system

Main Technologies for Gas Turbine Parts

  • 抛光机翼,平台,圆角半径和销钉
  • Tri-plane blending (tri-blend)
  • Thinning the trailing edge
  • 前沿和后缘分析
  • Chord length feedback
  • 墙壁或涂料厚度反馈
av&r’s Robotic Polishing System for Gas Turbine Parts 机器人Polishing System for Manufacturing Parts
Knee Implant Polishing System 臀部茎植入抛光


  • Ultra-polishing, creating a mirror-surface finish
  • Part cleaning after the polishing operation
  • 集成的灰尘收集
  • Automated tool change

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