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市场研究:市场通过s in the Wind Turbine Industry

消费品manufacturers are increasingly turning to robotic warehousing to leverage their supply chain for competitive advantage. Material handling (MH) robots –once relegated to the factory- are enabling this trend, as they carve out an expanding niche in warehousing. To meet the greater challenges of warehousing, these robots are making use of advanced software, vision guidance and precision motion control components.
These trends are certain to give rise to new market opportunities. What are these opportunities? How large are they? How can robotics, machine vision and motion control companies realize them?
This market opportunity assessment addressed these questions by examining the current robotic warehousing market,focusing specifically on market opportunities for robotics, machine vision and motion control companies. Potentially sizeable opportunities were found!

The Warehouse of the not so distant future will hum with the computer-orchestrated movements of robots performing essential warehousing functions.

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