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Additive Manufacturing and Automation – Will 3D Printing Displace Automation Technologies?

Many are heralding Additive Manufacturing (AM), a.k.a. “3D printing”, as a disruptive technology that will revolutionize production and displace automation equipment, including machine vision, motion control and robotics. Others have labeled these claims as “futuristic hype”. A3’s latest study, “Additive Manufacturing and Automation”, assesses AM’s potential as a transformative technology for manufacturing and explores its probable impact on industrial automation technologies within the broader context of the “factory of the future”. The study does this by defining AM, explaining how it works, outlining its various forms and explaining its current advantages and shortcomings. The study also looks at the AM market, the factory of the future and market opportunities for machine vision, motion control and robotics companies brought about by AM.

This insightful, clearly written, 29-page study is essential reading for upper-management, sales personnel, engineers, strategic planners and financial analysts who are focused on the near and long-term future of machine vision, motion control and robotics and who seek new market opportunities.

This valuable white paper is available for $350 to non-members; this assessment is FREE to members.

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