MartinCSI Service

Project Methodology

Service Areas:阿拉巴马州,阿拉斯加,亚利桑那州,阿肯色州,加利福尼亚,科罗拉多州,康涅狄格州,特拉华州,佛罗里达州,乔治亚州,夏威夷,夏威夷,爱达荷州,伊利诺伊州,印第安纳州,爱荷华州,堪萨斯州,肯塔基州,肯塔基州,路易斯安那州,路易斯安那州,路易斯安那州,缅因州,缅因州,马里兰州,马里兰州,马里兰州,马萨诸塞州,米歇尼,米西尼米西尼,米西司,米西司, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,威斯康星州,怀俄明州,加拿大和墨西哥



Our projects track a proven method to make sure your project (once quoted) is finished on time and within budget. We pride ourselves on providing affordable, ethical, and essential solutions for your business. Our approach is end-user focused following your specifications and preferences so you are successful with your new machines from day one!


Our initial step is to meet with you to see where the opportunities lie for us to work together. We work with you through a discovery process that helps us to both define the work that will be done. We outline clear goals and responsibilities for all parties so everyone involved is on the same page from beginning to end. Once you give us the go-ahead, we are off and running.


With our method being end-user driven we take the time to make sure we understand, in detail, your needs for the finished product. Our detail oriented process allows us to understand not only WHAT you would like your machine to do, but HOW you would like it to be accomplished. As this phase comes to a close you will leave with a full understanding of what it will require in both time and labor to get the job done.

Development and Assembly

This is where the project really starts to take shape as we develop the software and hardware set-ups required for the final system. In this step we test and re-test to make sure each individual part is working as designed to assure success upon installation.

Quality Control and Testing


Integration and Final Acceptance

We work hand-in-hand with you and our suppliers on the remaining key points of completion:

  • Approval of integration/down-time schedule and plans
  • Connect and assimilate the control system and mechanical systems
  • Run our detailed evaluation of operation of full software and hardware
  • 培训和rect system operation under new installation

Once the system is up and running, our evaluation is complete, and all documentation has been delivered, we will arrange your final approval of your project and you’re off and running.

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