Embedded Systems Inc. dba ESI Motion Service

ESI Motion's Engineering Servo Motion Services

Service Areas:阿拉巴马州,阿拉斯加,亚利桑那,阿肯色,加利福尼亚,Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Canada, Mexico, and International

Embedded Systems Inc. dba ESI Motion

ESI Motion servo control systems are designed to be used in high-demand applications and require a long lifespan with years of dependable use. ESI provides consultation, concepts, design, implementation, and turn key motion solutions and systems.

ESI Motion's Engineering Servo Motion Services Image

Engineering Capabilities
Our servo control systems are designed to be used in high-demand applications and require a long lifespan with years of dependable use.

Initial Design & Engineering Consultation
Our team is committed to working closely with you to find the solution for your servo drive needs and to ensure you have the support you need.

Our Engineering Services Include:

  • Modified off-the-shelf (MOTS) solutions
  • Modified packaging
  • Modified connector selection
  • Modified 1/0 interface
  • Software configuration

Comprehensive Engineering Analysis:

  • Thermal analysis
  • Vibration & shock
  • EMI conductive
  • EMI susceptibility
  • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
  • Derating
  • Outgassing
  • Altitude
  • Salt water, fog and fungus
  • And more!

Complete Product Documentation
One of the most important aspects of high quality is the program documentation. We take this very seriously. As we design and integrate your servo drive we keep detailed records, diagrams and pertinent documents related to the system. Our documentation policy ensures that you have access to quality information for your servo drive.

Design Reviews & Analysis Before Delivery

  • System Requirements Review (SRR)
  • Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
  • Critical Design Review (CDR)
  • Manufacturing Readiness Review (MRR)
  • Test Readiness Review (TRR)
  • Flight Readiness Review (FRR)

Dependable Software
The software used to test, monitor and run this hardware must be equally resilient and easy to use. ESI works carefully to create straight-forward interfaces without sacrificing control flexibility. Our user-friendly GUI can have your motor turning in minutes while giving you access to configure and gather data on dozens of variables real-time.

Requirement Validation

  • Requirements validation matrix
  • Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP)
  • Qualification Test Procedures (QTP)
  • Verification Test Data Package (TDP)

Quality Control Services

  • Component traceability
  • Counterfeit parts avoidance
  • First article inspection report
  • Acceptance test reports
  • Certification of conformance

System Integration & Onsite Support
ESI provides integration assistance and follow-up support for our products. Any integration issues are immediately addressed for problem-free operation following production.

  • Sensorless control configuration
  • System integration with client test asset at an ESI facility
  • System integration at client site
  • System-level debugging and defect management
  • System-level architecture support

ESI Motion's Team Can Help You Find Your Ideal Servo Drive Solution
ESl's team is committed to client service and is ready to help you build your ideal servo drive. We have made it our mission not only to build great hardware, but also to build lasting relationships with you and ensure that you have the tools and the resources to support your programs' success.

For further information please contact:

Brian Vasey


