ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute Service

National Capability for Workforce Development -

Service Areas: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming

ARM (Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing) Institute, powered by the ARM Institute, is the only national capability that highlights robotics training that has been vetted by industry experts and connects education seekers with training aligned to their desired career pathway.

National Capability for Workforce Development - Image

Introducing powered by the ARM Institute

The U.S. manufacturing sector faces a significant problem than has been compounded by the trade war and the pandemic: an ever-growing skills gap. A recent report by The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte found that 4.6 million jobs will need to be filled in the sector over the next decade, and 2.4 million jobs may be left open due to a lack of trained workers.

Increased use of robotics within an advanced manufacturing environment will play a crucial role in returning the U.S. to a global leadership position. But this will only occur if there is a concerted effort to develop the needed workforce by identifying and standardizing the required competencies and skills, promoting and enhancing the educational resources, and sharing the available jobs in a comprehensive, yet easily accessible manner.

The Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute (ARM), a Manufacturing USA® Institute funded by the Department of Defense, has taken on this challenge through a unique public-private partnership. For the past three years, over 200 elite manufacturers, educators, robotics suppliers, economic development and government experts have regularly convened under ARM’s leadership to develop strategies to address the skills gap issue.

Our response to this challenge is a national capability- - that addresses these key issues:

  • What competencies and roles are required to meet manufacturing employer needs?
  • Where can education seekers find programs that best meet these needs?
  • What career pathway makes the most sense for me as a job seeker?
  • What jobs are available that meet the skills I have developed in robotics?

With the support of the Department of Defense, ARM is working closely with the industry experts within its member consortium and other partners to launch a public website that addresses these key issues. ARM’s solution identifies the most comprehensive list of education providers nationally and endorses programs and institutions that provide the skills needed for robotics jobs as identified by industry. Future versions will include job listings and career pathway planning.

Many career and skills-oriented websites exist, but the ARM solution has these unique qualities:

  • 给出d niche primarily in the robotics for advanced manufacturing/Industry 4.0 sector
  • Broad identification of robotics education/training programs from badges to PhDs
  • Endorsement of those training programs that meet national consortium-defined requirements for competency
  • Definition of the competency models and robotics jobs necessary to meet the skills requirements for advanced manufacturing/Industry 4.0
  • Addresses both commercial and defense skills requirements
  • Acts as an honest broker working directly with education seekers, employers, and education providers for guidance and updated site content.