
3D Pin-Inspection with EyeScan AT 3D


Image of 3D Pin-Inspection with EyeScan AT 3D 借助3D的新EyeScan,Eyevision图像处理软件显示了其新的3C命令和点云的显示选项。更重要的是,EVT创意部门优化了一种分别检查连接器的方法的方法。但是,它不仅限于一种连接器,它是一个灵活的系统,几乎适用于任何连接器,以检查引脚的完美度。因此,通过使用Eyevision软件在3D传感器处进行一台扫描,可以测量扫描对象的以下特征:对于一件事,该软件正在对所谓的Wobble-Circle进行测量。这些是测量连接器公差和销钉的仪表。另一件事是测量引脚的嵌入深度。多亏了3D启动,可以测量引脚尖端的高度。此外,销钉尖端不仅在其中x和y方向测量,而且在z方向上进行了测量。此外,该系统可以检测到缺陷,例如如果连接器引脚是笔直的或弯曲的,则销钉被插入外壳中,或者销钉伸出过远的房屋。 The EyeScan AT 3D sensor is also very precise. The laser triangulation sensor delivers 2048 points per profile in a time of 25.000 profiles per second. „Laser triangulation“ means that, a camera is following a laser line which is projected onto the scan object and from that captured image the line profile and height information are calculated. During the passing by of the scan object under the camera, several profiles are created, which are used to make 3D image. The EyeVision software has the necessary commands available to evaluate a point cloud and to measure e.g. the connector pins but also other small objects. As EVT has created a command for that measurement, the further proceedings for the user are simple.

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