





无刷力矩电机设计制造嗨gh torque values compared to standard brushless motors. They have higher pole-counts, much thinner axial dimensions, larger diameters than typical motors, and are designed to run at low-to-moderate speed. Being frameless, Megaflux kit motors (consisting of a matched rotor and stator pair) are ideally suited for OEM designs where they can be integrated directly into the driven axis. A large open-center aperture provides free passage to route cables, light beams or other machine mechanics. Megaflux frameless torque motors are the ideal integrated solution for OEM designs, including semiconductor manufacturing equipment, robot base, shoulder and joint axes, machine tool spindle drives, telescope and antenna stabilized gimbal platforms, to name a few.

高性能直接驱动无纹刷扭矩的大型家族包括十二个框架直径,每个直径为五个堆栈高度。各种尺寸的选择可确保标准模型可以满足大多数OEM应用程序需求,但是定制版本是Allied Motion的专业。

Megaflux highlights include:

  • 12 standard frame sizes from 60 to 792 mm (2.4 to 31.2 in) outside diameter
  • 连续失速扭矩从0.3到2020 nm(1490 lb-ft)
  • 清除ID光圈从36.2到582毫米(22.9英寸)
  • 三个绕组设计:48、150和300 VDC

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