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This Startup is Tackling the Construction Industry Skills Gap

POSTED 01/30/2019


The construction industry is one of the rising opportunities for robotic automation. There are now robots at many stages throughout the entire construction lifecycle, from robots that can 3D print entire concrete houses to robots which can demolish buildings autonomously.

However, although automation is on the rise, the construction industry is still suffering from a lack of skilled workforce in some key areas. One of these shortages is the manufacturing of steel rebar.

A Norwegian startup named Rebartek is looking to change all that with their RoboDK-powered rebar manufacturing process.

Rebar Manufacturing: A Process Crying Out for Robots

Skills shortages (aka skills gaps) occur when there are not enough trained people in the wider jobs market to fill certain positions in an industry. The construction industry is full of them. For example, according to a 2016 study of one US county 38 out of 41 construction jobs had a skills gap caused by a lack of graduates with the required skills to fill key positions.

“钢筋”是一个在许多现代buildi至关重要的组件ngs. It consists of steel bars or mesh which is added to concrete to improve the structure’s strength. Concrete is very strong under compression forces, but will crack under tensile stress. Rebar adds the necessary tensile strength.


Robots are an increasingly good solution to filling skills gaps. This is exactly what startup Rebartek aims to achieve.

Meet Rebartek

Rebraptek首席执行官Max Trommer在建筑行业拥有令人印象深刻的经验。他告诉我们:

“I have been working on construction sites for the last 15 years. On my last project, a major bridge construction, we were prefabricating rebar cages manually. I asked myself, could we use robots for this?”



在创建Rebartek之前,Max Trommer对建筑行业引入新技术并不陌生。他已经开发了Web应用程序,以改善道路建设项目的工作流程,并推出新的项目管理软件到建立建筑业务。

With his team, Trommer hopes that his robotic solution will make waves in rebar manufacture.

How Rebartek Uses RoboDK

Trommer explained the whole process to us:

“The raw materials are delivered as straight ~12m long bars or as rebar wound-up on coils. First, each rebar goes into a bending machine that straightens, bends and cuts it into the specified shapes. Robots then preassemble those into “cages”.

The team’s solution is based around two KUKA manipulators. One robot uses a welding tool and the other has a customized gripper.


  1. 挑选和地方- 夹具机器人拾取了个人长度的钢筋,并将它们放在支持框架中。例如,在该视频中,它们使用的是短长度的钢筋并将它们焊接到方形格子图案中。当焊缝完成时,机器人使用夹具顶部的自定义附件拾取笼子。
  2. 焊接— The other robot uses a welding tool to join the pieces of rebar. As we discussed in a previous article, robot welding has some great advantages over traditional welding and is easier to achieve than many people think.

Working in tandem, the two robots are able to achieve a potentially continuous output of prefabricated rebar cages with consistent weld quality. The team can also customize the cage design to meet the needs of their clients and use a workflow tailored to their client’s needs.

The benefits, as Trommer explained to us, are huge:

“Our tests show that cage installation saves 90% labour and time on-site compared to in-situ installation on the critical path.”


The Top 3 Reasons Rebartek Chose RoboDK



“RoboDK enabled us to first simulate the process without investing in expensive hardware or software. It also has a good User Interface.”

The team’s top reasons for choosing RoboDK were:

  1. It’s easy to learn- 我们认为Robodk是学习最简单的离线编程解决方案之一,似乎重新开始与我们同意。他们认为这一点我们的文档非常好;它帮助他们轻松起床并跑步(他们也给了我们一些指针,以进一步改善它,我们总是欣赏。让我们知道in the forum if you have suggestions of your own.)
  2. 它通过API具有巨大的灵活性- Robodk API允许在机器人项目中实现巨大的灵活性。虽然我们的许多用户坚持其图形界面,但只有当您开始使用API​​开始编程时,您只能欣赏Robodk的真正动力。Rebartek对他们的解决方案有很大的计划,因此这是至关重要的。
  3. 它是制造商不可知论者— Unlike many offline programming solutions, RoboDK is not tied down to any particular robot manufacturer. This was a big benefit for Rebartek as it allowed them to properly assess their solution with a UR robot before investing in two large KUKA robots. For more information, see our article Will Offline Programming Work With My Robot?


Max Trommer and his team have a very promising business model already. But, they are not going stop there.

Rebartek has some big plans for their future. He told us:



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