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Pick and Place Task with an Industrial Robot

POSTED 01/07/2021

选择和放置机器人手臂A pick and place task should be the easiest robot application to program…

这y should be at least, but often they are not so simple.



It’s clear that some robot programs are harder to create than others. If you’re using complex sensor systems with advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, the programming complexity will also be high.

某些形式的选择和地点可能很复杂 - 例如bin拾取,需要先进的视觉算法。但是,选择和地点通常是一项非常简单的任务。它仅涉及从机器人工作区中的一个位置拾取一个物品并将其移至另一个位置。


Shouldn’t Programming Pick and Place Tasks Be Easy?



Sometimes programming is far more complex than it needs to be. You have to fiddle with the robot’s teach pendant, endlessly jogging the robot’s position forward and back. If you want to update a position in the program, it’s awkward and requires you to update far more of your program than you had anticipated. You find yourself constantly having to look up the programming manual to remind yourself of the exact syntax of instructions, using the manufacturer’s programming language.

这problem is that we often think we are limited to only using the programming system that comes from the robot’s manufacturer.

We assume that we have to use the robot’s teach pendant, we have to program using the manufacturer’s programming language, and if we don’t like them there is nothing that we can do.



5 Different Ways to Program a Pick and Place Task


Here are 5 of the most common programming methods:

1. From the Robot’s Teach Pendant

这default programming option for most robots is to use the default teach pendant. Although teach pendants can be handy, they usually make programming harder than it needs to be. According to one research survey, users found teach pendant programming to be a “tedious and time-consuming task.” This complexity just doesn’t make sense for a simple task like pick and place.

2. With Hand Guiding

An increasingly popular option for collaborative robots; this programming method involves moving the robot around by hand. It is certainly an easy-to-use option but it suffers from a lack of precision compared to other programming methods. As a result, it’s only really suitable for imprecise pick and place tasks.

3. With the Default Programming Language

使用Teach Pendant的下一步是使用机器人制造商的默认编程语言离线编程机器人。如果您是一位经验丰富的程序员,则可以很快进行选择和放置任务,因为程序的某些部分易于复制和粘贴。但是,每个机器人编程语言都不同,任务通常比需要的更笨拙。




Okay, perhaps VR is not a “common” programming method yet, but it seems likely that it will grow in popularity over the coming years. Even now, it’s possible to program a robot with VR.

What’s the Easiest Method to Program Pick and Place?

Unless you are using advanced functionality, such as bin picking, you don’t need to get complicated to program a pick and place task.

If performance isn’t important and your robot supports hand-guiding (though most robots don’t support this), then you could use that option for a quick way to program the task.


Sure, we might be biased by saying that. But, it’s undeniable that the number of steps that are required to program a pick and place task in RoboDK is much fewer than in many other methods. You can program the task in only a matter of minutes.

3 Simple Steps to Program Your Pick and Place Task

If you are using offline programming, the steps for programming pick and place are very simple.


  1. Set up your robot workstation in offline programming —将必要的虚拟项目和机器人添加到模拟中。该设置不一定是对真实环境的完整表示(实际上,这通常是浪费时间)。只需包含足够的项目即可完成任务。
  2. Create targets for the key positions in the task —然后,创建在任务中很重要的参考帧。所需的4个目标是:选拔位置,位置和两个相关的接近位置。
  3. 编程机器人运动 -Finally, create the robot program by cycling through these 4 locations. This should only take a minute or two for simple pick and place tasks.





188abc金博宝 This content is part of the Collaborative Robots curated collection. To learn more about Collaborative Robots,188abc金博宝