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Onrobot Soft Gripper将高度灵活的食品级认证处理带来了具有挑战性的选择应用

POSTED 04/07/2020

The new OnRobot food-grade Soft Gripper is able to pick a wide array of irregular shapes and delicate items in food and beverage, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals production, as well as manufacturing or packaging

Odense, Denmark -Automation just got easier for food and beverage and other “clean” applications such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals that need to handle items from eggs to fruit, to bottles or irregular-shaped containers. The flexible OnRobot Soft Gripper uses three interchangeable silicon-molded cups in star and four-finger configurations to pick up almost any small object under 2.2kg with a delicate, precise touch. The electric Soft Gripper is food-grade certified (complies with FDA 21 CFR for non-fatty items and EC 1935/2004) and unlike traditional vacuum grippers, it requires no external air supply, so it can reduce both cost and complexity.

Our new Soft Gripper is challenging existing solutions for picking hard-to-grasp, delicate and odd-sized items,” says CEO of OnRobot, Enrico Krog Iversen. “Unlike proprietary solutions, the Soft Gripper offers seamless integration with most collaborative robots and light industrial robots through our One System Solution.”

Onrobot的屡获殊荣的一个系统解决方案是一个平台,该平台在领先的机器人臂和任何Onrobot武器端工具(EOAT)之间提供统一的机械和电气接口。一个系统解决方案已新扩展,包括与ABB机器人和Hanwha Precision Machinery的机器人集成。现在,这些机器人的用户可以利用任何Onrobot产品的统一机械和电气接口,以便于集成和更快的ROI。


Soft Gripper Features:

  • 根据形状,柔软度和要处理的物品的摩擦,高达2.2公斤的有效载荷
  • 握把尺寸从10mm-118mm不等,具体取决于所用的杯子
  • FDA certification
  • Flexible, interchangeable silicon cups
  • Ideal handling for delicate objects and irregular shapes
  • 无需提供空气
  • Fast, flexible deployment with seamless integration on all major robot brands


About OnRobot

OnRobot product range features a wide assortment of solution of tools for collaborative applications, including: electric grippers, force/torque sensors, a vacuum gripper, the award-winning Gecko Gripper, and tool changers. This new combination of offerings from OnRobot makes it quicker and simpler to automate tasks such as packaging, quality control, materials handling, machine tending, packaging, assembly, and surface finishing. Headquartered in Odense, Denmark, OnRobot also has offices in Dallas, Soest (Germany), Barcelona, Warsaw, Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul, Singapore and Budapest.