




电弧焊接,组装和组装电弧焊接,组装,组装,自动涂层,分配,材料处理,材料处理,材料去除 /切割 /磨损 /磨削 /不可易见的检查,仿真 / 3D建模以及点焊接


OCTOPUZ Inc. releases the latest version of their offline robotic programming and simulation software, OCTOPUZ 2.0.2


OCTOPUZ Inc. releases the latest version of their offline robotic programming and simulation software today, June 19th, 2018.

自从今年早些时候举行的Octopuz 2.0的主要发行以来,该团队一直在不断专注于改善和增强已经备受好评的产品。Octopuz 2.0.2发行的改进集中在增强大多数Octopuz客户使用的同类最佳焊接应用程序。


Another welding enhancement included in this release focuses on a welding process that is increasingly being programmed offline, spot welding. The OCTOPUZ 2.0.2 release includes features to simulate and program the spot welding process while reducing robot downtime.

这increased support for Panasonic welding included in OCTOPUZ 2.0.2 is also expected to make a big splash in the OCTOPUZ customer base and industry. OCTOPUZ supports Panasonic Touch Sense and Weave Welding for simulations and programming. Use touch sensing to account for part inconsistencies by programming Panasonic robots using OCTOPUZ Robotic Programming and Simulation Software.


  • 扩展的外轴支撑
  • 多通焊接增强功能
  • 章鱼1.7焊道的导入工具
  • 循环焊接工作流程改进

If you are a current OCTOPUZ customer, your OCTOPUZ license will automatically update and you will be able to employ the latest enhancements right away.

If you would like to learn more about OCTOPUZ Offline Robotic Programming and Simulation Software contact us to set up a free demo customized to your applications and programming needs.

安大略省滑铁卢总部设在OCTOPUZ inc . provides offline robot programming and simulation software for businesses of all sizes, from small shops to global corporations. Our focus is to provide a robotic software solution that not only enables companies to reach a higher level of efficiency with their processes but that also opens opportunities for them to enter new markets and expand their business potential. Our business was built on the concept of taking complex robotic programming and making it easy.

Offline Robotic Programming – Complex Made Simple
OCTOPUZ is a complete solution that enables users to program and generate robot code offline while visualizing their entire manufacturing process. In addition to its simulation and material handling capabilities, it can generate or import path information from Mastercam for a variety of applications including edge following, material removal and fabrication. OCTOPUZ offers a powerful, flexible and customizable environment where users can program multiple robots simultaneously without interrupting production.