

RIA已转变为“自动化”协会,该协会是机器人技术,机器视觉188jinbaobo org,运动控制和工业AI行业的领先全球自动化贸易协会。

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POSTED 06/12/2019

ANN ARBOR, MI –Robot orders in North America declined slightly in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period last year, according to the latest statistics released by theRobotic Industries Association (RIA),一个组织Association for Advancing Automation (A3). North American companies ordered a total of 7,876 robots valued at $423 million during the three months, a decline of 3.5 percent in units and 3.2 percent in dollars compared to the first quarter of 2018.

The decline was driven by a decrease in orders from automotive component suppliers (-16 percent), plastics and rubber (-16 percent), electronics (-17 percent), and metals (-17 percent). Orders from automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) were up 41 percent, however, as were orders from the food and consumer goods industries (+32 percent). Another bright spot was the solid increase in orders over the fourth quarter of 2018, with units up nearly 16 percent and revenue up nearly 9 percent.

Shipments Normalize from a Record Year in 2018

In the first quarter of 2019, 7,577 robots, valued at $452 million, were shipped, down 29 percent in units and nearly 11 percent in dollars from the same period last year.

“We are coming off a record year in 2018 so slight declines aren’t unexpected, and long-term signs remain very healthy,” said Jeff Burnstein, RIA president. Burnstein cited the strong growth of the recent Automate 2019 show in Chicago in April, where attendance soared 25 percent over the 2017 show.

“Many of the Automate show attendees are just beginning to explore how robotics and automation can help their companies become stronger global competitors,” Burnstein added. “Their expected purchases over the next year or so should help the industry grow going forward.”

About RIA

Founded in 1974, RIA is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to improving the regional, national and global competitiveness of the North American manufacturing and service sectors through promotion and enhancement of robotics and related automation. RIA represents over 550 robot manufacturers, system integrators, component suppliers, end users, consulting firms, research groups, and educational institutions. The association hosts a number of events including the biennial自动表演与会议(2021年5月17日至21日在底特律)举行的自动移动机器人会议(2019年9月17日在肯塔基州路易斯维尔举行),国际机器人安全会议(2019年10月15日至17日在印第安纳波利斯),协作机器人,高级愿景AI会议(CRAV.AI; 2019年11月12日至13日在加利福尼亚州圣何塞)和A3商业论坛(2020年1月13日至15日在佛罗里达州奥兰多)。RIA还提供季度机器人技术统计信息,并在Online拥有内容丰富的网站。有关RIA的更多详细信息,请访问Robotics Online或致电(734)994-6088.

About Association for Advancing Automation (A3)

The188jinbaobo org是全球自动化利益的倡导者。A3促进了自动化技术和思想,以改变业务的方式。A3是机器人工业协会(RIA),AIA - 前进视觉 +成像和运动控制与运动协会(MCMA)的伞组。RIA,AIA和MCMA组合代表了大约1200个自动化制造商,组件供应商,系统集成商,最终用户,研究小组和来自世界各地推动自动化向前发展的公司。有关更多信息,请访问:A3;RIA;AIA;MCMA;A3 México.
