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North American Machine Vision Sales Soar 23% in Third Quarter 2013

POSTED 12/04/2013

(Ann Arbor, Michigan)Total machine vision sales in North America climbed 23% compared to the third quarter of 2012, according to new statistics from AIA, the industry’s trade group.

机器视觉销售总额包括食蟹猴的销售e vision systems and components. The machine vision systems category, which includes application specific machine vision systems (ASMV) and smart cameras, continued driving overall growth with a 25% percent increase over third quarter 2012.

Sales of machine vision components were also up in third quarter 2013, growing 10% over the third quarter of last year. Cameras, lighting, and imaging boards all increased from third quarter 2012, while optics and software decreased mildly.

“We are happy to see the machine vision market in North America continue its growth this year,” said AIA President Jeff Burnstein. “We have now seen three consecutive quarters of growth, and with manufacturing indicators in North America remaining strong into the fourth quarter, we are optimistic about what the year-end results will show.”

Alex Shikany, AIA’s Director of Market Analysis, added “Sentiment from industry experts is mixed regarding machine vision sales heading into next year. For machine vision components, 71% of industry experts believe we will see an increase in sales over the next six months. However, nearly three quarters of the experts expect total system sales to be flat.”

AIA and the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA) have agreed to harmonize reporting formats in order to provide more comprehensive statistics on machine vision. Due to this development, all AIA members participating in AIA’s sales data program will receive free copies of the Quarterly Machine Vision Sales Tracking Reports from both AIA and EMVA. The exact rollout date for this harmonization effort will be announced soon via Vision Online and social media.

在addition to its sales tracking report, AIA has recently released its updated 2013 Machine Vision Camera Market Study, which is available at a discounted rate to AIA members. AIA also prepares studies on special topics, such as its upcoming market opportunity study on Life Sciences, which it makes available to all AIA members free of charge on Vision Online.

About AIA
Founded in 1984 to advance the understanding and use of imaging and vision technologies and to drive global expansion and growth through education and promotion, AIA now represents over 325 vision suppliers, system integrators, users, researchers, and consulting firms from 32 countries. AIA is best known for The Vision Show (April 15-17, 2014 in Boston); vision and imaging standards such as GigE Vision®, Camera Link®, Camera Link HS™ and USB3 Vision™; the Automate Show (March 23-26, 2015 in Chicago); the annual AIA Business Conference (January 22-24, 2014 in Orlando); the Certified Vision Professional program; AIA Certified System Integrator program; and Vision Online, the world’s leading online resource for vision information.

AIA is part of the188jinbaobo org(A3), the not-for-profit umbrella association serving AIA, theRobotic Industries Association(RIA) and theMotion Control Association(MCA). For more information on AIA, visitVision Onlineor contact AIA Headquarters at (734) 994-6088.

Vision in Life SciencesThis content is part of the Vision in Life Sciences curated collection. To learn more about Vision in Life Sciences,click here.