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At maxon, we develop and build high precision electric drive systems that are among the best in the world. We combine brushed and brushless DC motors, gearheads, sensors, and controllers into complete mechatronic drive systems.

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POSTED 09/16/2020

Drive specialist maxon, renowned for its Mars motors, is joining forces with the robotics startup ANYbotics and will in future supply the drive systems of the autonomous ANYmal inspection robot.

The robot will soon be marketed in large quantities. This cooperation will also benefit maxon, since ANYbotics provides important robotics know-how and is currently the most successful young company in this field.

A solid partnership: maxon and ANYbotics are entering into a close, long-term collaboration and are thus strengthening Switzerland as a prime location for robotics. One of the decisions made by the two partners is that maxon, as global drive specialist, will handle the future development and production of the actuators for ANYmal. ANYmal is an autonomous, four-legged robot that is capable of inspecting and monitoring industrial systems and is destined to also take on dangerous maintenance tasks in the future. The robot can even cope with difficult infrastructures such as stairs and inclines, and is used in a wide variety of industries.

Maxon Group为合作伙伴关系以及全球生产基础设施和经过验证的流程提供了60年的驱动技术经验,并将有助于推进Anymal的工业化和商业化 - 具有竞争性,高性能驱动系统,其中十二个在每个机器人中使用。“在Maxon,我们找到了从小型系列到大众生产过渡的理想合作伙伴。借助Maxon的专业知识和基础架构,我们将能够进一步优化机器人的核心要素,并访问最先进的生产方法。

ANYbotics recently won the Swiss Economic Award 2020 and has been chosen as the best young entrepreneur in Switzerland in the Hightech/Biotech category. The company has valuable experience in robotics – a market that offers great potential for maxon. Eugen Elmiger, CEO maxon Group, says: “By collaborating with ANYbotics, we are merging know-how from different worlds. The creativity and high responsiveness of a startup are paired with the global and stable industrial environment of the maxon Group. Together we will create an energy-efficient and intelligent robotic drive, the likes of which has never been seen before.”

为了进一步巩固合作伙伴关系,两家公司在地理上也越来越近:马克森(Maxon)在奥布瓦尔登(Obwalden)的州立大学(Maxon)开设了一个在苏黎世奥尔利肯(Oerlikon)区的苏黎世区的祖里校区开设了一个实验室,与任何botsicks接近近似。在这里,工程师和技术人员将开会讨论其项目的进度。此外,Maxon希望使用该实验室与Eth Zurich和苏黎世大学更接近,向年轻工程师提供技术支持,提供工作空间并获得船上的才能。尤金·埃尔米格(Eugen Elmiger)说:“我们已经大量参与了苏黎世和卢塞恩及其周围的职业教育。有了新实验室,我们将处于更好的位置,以支持驱动技术和机器人技术的才能。”