

MB Kit Systems LLC,在过去二十年中,作为项目美国和项目北美的商业,利用超过两百不同的结构铝型材和3000个模块化组件,为各种工业应用设计机械硬件解决方案。我们的挤压的直线耐受性和精度使我们能够设计和构建定制皮带驱动的线性执行器,带有从几英寸到一百四十英尺的行程。根据配置,可以从几盎司到数千磅的负载。单轴和多轴执行器可以配置为创建有效的笛卡尔机器人和架空龙头,可以在给定信封内到达每个点的每个点。添加Weiss线性单元产品系列包括皮带驱动的线性单元,滚珠丝杠驱动单元和电动缸。定制机器框架,结构,特种机箱和安全性硬防护队列从MB KIT Systems LLC提供产品。


Automotive and Consumer Goods/AppliancesAutomotive and Consumer Goods/Appliances


item North America Offering Innovative Material Handling Solutions



item international’s partnership with elcom SAS began in 1986. Through years of collaboration, both companies have grown to offer premier material handling solutions to maximize workflow efficiency. With two elcom systems, both fully integrated into the item MB Kit System, custom designed material handling solutions are possible for a wide array of applications.

ELCOM图销传送板elcom’s revolutionary pin system is the core advantage over other material handling transfer systems. The simple retractable pin system, located underneath each pallet, works in conjunction with a series of mechanical components - making it a cost effective and reliable system that allows for complex pallet maneuvering.


Elcom转移板除了托盘转移系统,elcom offers a versatile flat belt system. Each flat belt system is configurable for a wide array of applications with PVC, polyurethane, rubber, and silicone belt options available. elcom systems can be angled to accommodate gradual elevation changes with cleated conveyor belts . If a more abrupt elevation change is required, linear actuators can easily be integrated into the design of any material handling solution.

elcom transfer system with conveyorBoth elcom transfer systems allow for customizable motor and support configurations. This inherent modularity enables engineers at item North America to propose a precise solution designed to maximize the efficiency of your material handling application. Combined with other lean production and ergonomic solutions from item North America, our engineers are able to offer efficient solutions throughout every project.

