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FRAMOS enables machines to see and is a leading global supplier of imaging products, embedded vision technologies, custom solutions, and OEM services. The vision experts at FRAMOS have been assisting customers since 1981 as a technical consultant, development partner, and as a supplier of individual components, complex system integrations, or customization options. In addition, FRAMOS provides individual technology focusing on sensor modules and intellectual property, like IP Cores, Imaging Algo






Colour Pipeline of a Camera由于需求的大众需求,以及今年第二次Framos(全球视觉技术合作伙伴)正在提供数码相机彩色管道的在线培训课程。本课程针对的是设计师,开发工程师和使用彩色摄像头的测试工程师。以技术为导向的为期两天的在线课程将于2020年10月7日至8日举行。泰晤士报已被选为北美的参与者:从上午9.00至5.00 pm(EST)和欧洲,从3.00 pm到11.00 pm(CET)。本课程将涵盖彩色管道的所有相关方面 - 特别是如何从传感器传递的信号中获得美丽的颜色图像。任何有兴趣了解数码相机的彩色管道的人都会在本课程中找到他们的问题。该课程将以英语指示,空间有限。

这online course is taking place for the second time this year, as the colour pipeline is currently one of the hottest topics among imaging users in the industry. The first course was held in Europe in July, however, we have opened up the course to include people from North America. The course provides answers to the most important questions on this topic. Feedback from the last course shows that it was a great success, and highly relevant: almost all of the 33 participants praised the application-oriented presentation given by the speaker, and gave the course a good to very good rating based on a balanced mix of theory and practice. Discussions about automatic white balance and dark current compensation also met with great interest.

One of the most renowned experts in the field of image processing – Prof. Dr. Albert Theuwissen – will first give a brief overview of the sensor and the lens, before diving into the details of a “standard” colour pipeline. Participants will receive an introduction to the colour pipeline, which is essential to produce a colour image. They will discover where the shortcomings in camera systems are, and what can be done to correct those shortcomings. They will also learn about the influence of noise on the various parts of a colour pipeline and how they interact.

Prof. Dr. Albert Theuwissen事件详细信息

When:7-8 October 2020




About the speaker
Albert Theuwissen教授是图像传感器上最著名的专家之一。作为荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的教授,他研究和教授CMOS图像传感器领域。在达尔萨(Dalsa)担任首席技术官和首席科学家多年之后,他创立了自己的公司,收获成像,专注于固态成像技术领域的培训,教练和教学。Theuwissen博士教授获得了电影和电视工程师协会(SMPTE)富士金牌,因为他对研究,发展和教育的贡献。
