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大脑集团是全球领先的人工智能机器人软ware that powers the largest fleet of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) operating in commercial public spaces. Global OEM partners use the company’s cloud-connected platform, BrainOS®, to create scalable, self-driving robots that are used by end customers to clean floors, move inventory, and sense environmental data to enable the digital transformation of physical workflows.

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Brain Corp Ranked World’s Top Autonomy Solution Provider for Mobile Robotics

POSTED 03/11/2019

SAN DIEGO, CA- Brain Corp, a San Diego-based AI company creating transformative core technology for the robotics industry, announced today that it has been named the top Autonomy Solution Provider for mobile robotics. The ranking was provided in a recent report from ABI Research, a US-based research firm committed to providing strategic guidance for visionaries needing market foresight.

In the report, titled Mobile Robotics: Autonomy Solution Providers, ABI Research provides detailed analysis of companies building robotics technologies that are platform-agnostic, meaning they can be used across different types of robots and verticals. The brands ranked include those that have been in the industry for a decade or more, such as Clearpath Robotics and Seegrid, as well as newcomers like Canvas Technology.

Brain Corp’s leading position in the report is solidified by its “flexible commercial operating system known as BrainOS, considerable deployment experience, strategic relationships with a large processor provider in Qualcomm and a large-scale international investor in the SoftBank Vision Fund, and key stakeholder (positions) in robotics startups like Savioke.”

“Brain Corp is a clear market leader in the ASP space and one of the most well-established,” says Rian Whitton, Research Analyst at ABI Research. “We look forward to tracking their progress and the trajectory of the industry as a whole.”

“ABI Research provides high-quality and comprehensive insights for those working on the cutting edge of tech,” says Phil Duffy, VP of Innovation at Brain Corp. “In a rapidly evolving industry, ABI’s data driven foresight is, and will continue to be, invaluable to companies like Brain Corp.”

More information about the Mobile Robotics: Autonomy Solution Providers Report by ABI Research can be found here.

About Brain Corp
Brain Corp is a San Diego-based AI company creating transformative core technology for the robotics industry. Brain Corp’s comprehensive solutions support the builders of today's autonomous machines in successfully producing, deploying, and supporting robots across commercial industries and applications. Brain Corp is funded by the SoftBank Vision Fund and Qualcomm Ventures.

About ABI Research
ABI Research provides strategic guidance for visionaries needing market foresight on the most compelling transformative technologies, which reshape workforces, identify holes in a market, create new business models and drive new revenue streams. ABI’s own research visionaries take stances early on those technologies, publishing groundbreaking studies often years ahead of other technology advisory firms.

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