Member Since 1977


ABB Robotics & Discrete Automation is a pioneer in robotics, machine automation and digital services, providing innovative solutions for a diverse range of industries, from automotive to electronics to logistics.

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ABB已收购了Delta机器人的领先提供商Codian Robotics B.V.,主要用于高精度选秀和地点应用程序。Codian Robotics的产品包括卫生设计系列,非常适合卫生敏感行业,包括食品,饮料和药品。通过交易,ABB正在加快其在增长的三角洲机器人领域的参与度。

Codian Robotics is located in Ede, Netherlands and employs 20 people globally. The company will continue to serve its customers directly. The acquisition was signed and closed on October 1, 2020 and both parties agreed not to disclose any details regarding the purchase price.

“Our acquisition underscores our focus on breakthrough technology, helping our customers to fully realize the potential of automation and increase their flexibility in a rapidly changing business landscape,” said Sami Atiya, President of ABB Robotics & Discrete Automation. Codian Robotics’ technologies and industry expertise are the perfect addition to our suite of food and beverage, pharmaceutical, service robotics and logistics solutions, while also supporting ABB’s machine-centric robotics offering.”

“Over the years, we have developed an extensive product portfolio. ABB’s impressive global presence and industry expertise will help us make our portfolio available globally. I am looking forward to working together to write the next chapter of our success story,” said Freek Hartman, Founder of Codian Robotics.


“There is a strong need for pick and place robots that ensure high hygienic standards, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our food and beverage, pharmaceutical and logistics customers are particularly interested in the potential of automation, enabling supply chains to continue to function, while protecting employee welfare,” added Atiya.


ABB机器自动化部总裁兼B&R董事总经理Hans Wimmer表示:“借助Codian Robotics,我们正在收购世界上最成功的Delta机器人供应商之一,并在机器建筑商的部门拥有非凡的往绩记录。将来,我们将能够为我们的客户提供全球和所有行业的完全集成的解决方案。”

ABB Robotics & Discrete Automation是机器人技术,机器自动化和数字服务的先驱,为各种行业提供创新的解决方案,从汽车上的电子产品到物流。作为世界领先的机器人供应商之一,我们已经发货了40万本机器人解决方案。我们帮助各种规模的客户提高生产率,灵活性和简单性并提高产出质量。我们支持他们向未来的互联和协作工厂的过渡。ABB机器人和离散自动化在53多个国家 /地区的100多个地点雇用了10,000多名员工。