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Introducing ANT driven Dolphin transporter AGVs by DTA

POSTED 11/02/2021

DTA, a leading provider of intelligent solutions for factory and warehouse transportation, has announced the release of its new Dolphin AGVs, driven by ANT®navigation.

Driven by BlueBotics ANT®natural feature navigation,新的自动化汽车家族为重工业客户提供了灵活且适应性的现场运输解决方案,可显着提高效率。

DTA Dolphin AGVs are accurate, robust and fully automatic. Capable of moving payloads weighing up to 300 tonnes, these vehicles feature motorized rollers and highly flexible 360° omnidirectional steering. Safety is ensured thanks to the vehicles’ built-in laser scanners. Since DTA also offers a custom-designed AGV option, there is a Dolphin AGV available to suit virtually every customer application.

DTA的销售与市场总监Gonzalo deSebastián表示:“ Dolphin AGVS为重型货物的现场运输提供了强大而全自动的解决方案。多亏了我们与蓝机器人的密切合作,海豚车是由蚂蚁驱动的®navigation technology, which guarantees that the installation of these AGVs, not to mention project future modifications, are quick and efficient, without the need for permanent infrastructure changes. Ultimately, a single Dolphin AGV can cover the equivalent work of two forklifts or six operators, leading to significant cost savings over time.”

DTA Dolphin AGVs are fully customizable and capable of carrying a wide range of payloads.

蚂蚁®navigation offers high positional accuracy of approximately ±1 cm / ±1°, while BlueBotics’ ANT®服务器管理软件使整个海豚AGV的车队能够在现场无缝操作。蚂蚁®服务器也可以连接到网站的现有管理软件系统(WMS/MES/ERP)和基础架构(例如自动门),例如,当AGV接近AGV时,可以自动打开它们。

Dr. Nicola Tomatis, CEO at BlueBotics, said, “The team at DTA are a key partner for BlueBotics and truly the experts in automating the movement of heavy goods on-site. Driven by our proven ANT®navigation and with their any-direction, omnidirectional movement, the company’s new Dolphin vehicles offer a remarkably versatile, extremely safe solution that is highly scalable and can be updated quickly and easily as a business’ needs evolve.”

By choosing Dolphin ANT®driven AGVs, businesses are investing in the future of autonomous materials handling.