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Visual Inspection & TestingVisual Inspection & Testing

X-Ray-Based Machine Vision Systems

POSTED 05/24/2005

 | By: Nello Zuech, Contributing Editor

每当我写有关X射线系统的系统时,我都会记得我大学毕业的第一份工作。我在Machlett Labs工作,并从事X射线管产品线的生产工程活动。当时它们是“最先进的”,其产品被广泛用于医疗和牙科X射线系统。尽管那个时代技术的遗迹仍然存在,但X射线资源的世界已显着前进。最终结果是创建了更独特的X射线图像,如果不是医疗应用,则至少适用于工业应用自动解释。在后一种情况下,被认为是放射科医生是沿着这些路线进步的障碍,因为他们会认为自己的角色减少了。同样为当今的实施做出了贡献,这是固态检测器,成像器和相机以及基础计算机技术的进步。结果是从基于电影的X射线系统到基于数字成像的系统的迁移。

In the industrial setting one finds at least six distinct classes of applications of x-ray-based machine vision products.

2. In the electronic industry they are used to inspect solder joints and multilayer boards for registration issues.
3. In the food industry they are used to find foreign objects in food products – bones in hamburger patties, or chicken or fish.
5. In the beverage industry they are used to monitor fill height especially in plastic and glass bottles.
6. The last class is non-destructive evaluation generically. This includes inspection of tires and metal-formed products – forgings and castings – for internal conditions.


Given the improved image made possible by the latest in x-ray sources, machine vision techniques can be more readily applied to the x-ray image yielding application-specific systems with automatic defect detection. In some cases it is even possible to apply various pattern recognition techniques leading to systems with automatic defect recognition as well. With the processing speeds now available there are even applications where 3D-based approaches are being used to evaluate conditions.


Significantly, these companies also do not address applications outside of manufacturing (markets other than machine vision) such as defense or security related applications. There are a couple of merchant system integrators with backgrounds in x-ray technology that may undertake project-specific assignments in more than one application class as well as in security or defense applications.

As with other articles in this series, input was solicited from over 20 vendors of x-ray-based machine vision products associated with one of the abovementioned application classes. For whatever reason, only two responded. Both of these companies are perceived to be more of a merchant system integrator of machine vision-based x-ray systems.

  • Scott Stewart – CXR Company, Inc.
  • 加里·科克拉(Gary Korkla) - 安全防御系统

What follows are the answers provided to our questions.

[Scott Stewart, CXR Company, Inc.]
Our x-ray equipment is used mainly by food production companies for locating contaminants in their products. We service sectors such as meat, poultry, dairy, frozen foods, bakery, beverage, and others. We can detect metal, plastic, stone, glass, bone and more. The equipment is also used for foreign particle detection in pharmaceutical products and to detect internal defects in electronic components. Once, we inspected large stuffed teddy bears for imbedded needles!

[加里·科拉(Gary Korla) - 国防安全系统]Applications that we have addressed include munitions inspection, investment castings, electronic components, food and pharmaceutical (consumer products) and automotive assemblies.

2. Can you provide a general description of the approach your products employ to arrive at x-ray image data?
Depending on the application, sensitivity and resolution required determines the x-ray energy level and type of x-ray system. We then look at the image receptor required, image intensifier, linear diode array, digital panel, etc. and finally the process of automation, line speed, spacing etc…

[Scott]Currently we employ an x-ray tube, an image intensifier, a CCTV camera and a CCTV monitor. This is much like the systems used by airport security luggage screeners.


[Gary]What acceptance standards are required, i.e., military or commercial and will realtime imaging be accepted, which is not always the case. What does the customer expect in the way of image quality. In the case of food and pharmaceutical, will the system have to comply with USDA or FDA standards?

4. What changes have been taking place in the underlying technologies that are the basis of your x-ray-based machine vision systems that has resulted in improved performance?

[Scott]Among other things, improvements in software are making a big difference in performance.

5. Where do you see breakthroughs coming in the specific underlying technologies that are the basis of your x-ray-based machine vision systems that will result in further improvements in the near future – next three years?
Once again, the software.

[Gary]The current technologies in image receptors and x-ray sources are actually quite good. What will happen as interest from consumers increases demand, the costs of these critical components should drop, which will hopefully spark even more interest in automated x-ray systems from the end users.

是的,有更高的质量要求,消费者and automation will reduce manufacturing costs creating a win/win situation. In food and pharmaceuticals the increase in foil type packaging prevents the use of metal detectors to inspect finished product, often making x-ray the only viable method of inspection.

[Scott]It seems that food production companies are more and more willing to spend what it takes to achieve the highest levels of quality control. It is simply cost effective to screen product for contaminants rather than risk a recall situation or be forced to scrap entire batches of suspect product.

7. How will x-ray-based machine vision systems have to change to meet emerging x-ray-based machine vision applications or to further penetrate their markets more successfully?
Systems will need to keep up with faster production speeds by increasing image processing speed through improved components and software.


8. As a supplier of x-ray-based machine vision systems what are some challenges you face in marketing x-ray-based machine vision systems?
Educating the end user of the benefits of incorporating automated x-ray inspection technology at an affordable cost.

[Scott]Some food production companies still believe that metal detectors are enough of a screening method for foreign particles. We try to get the message out that x-ray is an affordable and efficient addition to any HACCP program.

9. What are your thoughts on the future of x-ray-based machine vision?
Use is increasing. The future looks bright.

[Gary]We think the future for machine vision based x-ray systems is bright, the technology is greatly improved and costs are slowly coming down.

To look at the various vendors systems closely, providing samples of their products and making very certain that both the manufacturer and prospective x-ray system vendor agree on the level of detection that must be obtained. Making sure the amount of false rejects is acceptable and that the x-ray vendor is capable of providing after sales support. They must be aware that a “down” x-ray system can delay if not bring production to a standstill. Finally, if possible they should see an automated x-ray system in operation, either at the manufacturer or at an installed site where they can speak with an end user.


Vision in Life SciencesThis content is part of the Vision in Life Sciences curated collection. To learn more about Vision in Life Sciences,click here.