


涵盖是一家ERP咨询公司,提供商业咨询,项目管理和软件实施的专家服务。无论是任务是否有全面的实施,现有系统的整合和改造,或满足企业和运营增长的挑战,包括为每个客户的需求提供专门的方法。作为识别客户要求并提供合适的解决方案的专家,我们将企业装备以匹配行业的速度。我们的服务包括:ERP软件,EDI软件,战略方向;售前服务;解决方案选择;商业咨询;实施支持;实施方法;快速发展; ROI Enhancement; Helpdesk and Managed Services.


Aerospace and AgricultureAerospace , Agriculture , Automotive , Automotive , Biometrics/Security , Building Products/Materials , Chemical Manufacturing , Consumer Goods/Appliances , Containers (glass, plastic, metal) , Education , Electronics/Electrical Components , Fabricated Metals , Food & Beverage , Furniture , Medical Devices , Metals , Military/Defense , Off Road/Heavy Equipment , Other , Paper , Pharmaceutical , Printing & Publishing , Robotics , Rubber , Semiconductor , Textile/Apparel , and Wood Products/Lumber





 | By: Sean Balogh

With so much news and industry coverage concerning information security challenges, the topic is one that is never far from people’s minds. This is especially true when sensitive financial information is being exchanged between systems. Maintaining the latest version of security tools in conjunction with these actions is essential not only for your customers’ peace of mind, but your company’s ability to maintain their confidence. TLS is one of the defining security protocols that make secure data transfer, and by proxy internet commerce, possible. Here’s a bit more background on the subject and why you should be considering making the latest upgrades to your system in order to be in compliance.



经过支付处理问题?立即升级您的POS / PMS解决方案,并确保使用TLS达到当今的付款卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS),并且能够在不中断的情况下处理信用卡付款。不知道怎么走吗?联系方式包括解决方案专家,以使您的系统最新。

使用PayPal作为示例,支付服务提供商在上个月的情况下为TLS 1.2提供了全面的升级。使用该服务的业务升级使其强制使用该业务维护相同的版本来通过其业务来颁布支付事务。这意味着对TLS 1.0和1.1的支持已被停产,并且维护这些版本的企业将找到他们使用PayPal进行付款和订单处理的能力不再有效。

在客户端,只需要适当的乌利希期刊指南ated browser to ensure the latest TLS protocols are in place. On the provider-side things get trickier. Encompass works with many manufacturers utilizing Epicor ERP software, so we'll use this as an example. However, any similar software or ERP platforms your business operates on will likely utilize the same protocols to protect electronic data exchanges. Therefore, the practical application remains the same. Businesses operating on legacy versions of the Epicor ERP platform, primarily those on 8.3 and prior, are most significantly impacted. With many of these businesses so far behind on technology, they’re quickly realizing the true cost of waiting until the problem is upon them, rather than staying ahead of the curve with regular updates. That’s why it’s so important to maintain a recent version of Epicor, and any other ERP product, for that very reason.

You may think that a current SSL certificate is enough, but this only addresses security when it comes to incoming web traffic to your server. You need an up-to-date protocol in place that addresses the connections your server is making to other services, such as credit card and other payment services providers.


首先,请好好看看您的Epicor ERP系统。IT版本10.x或以上吗?确保您在现代安全标准方面遵循这一点是一个巨大的一步。维护最新版本的Epicor将确保您的业务永远不会通过不断变化的行业标准损害。只要您在最新版本的Epicor上运行,您将永远赶上行业标准。

If that’s not the case and you’re on an older version of Epicor, you may find your business quickly being outpaced by an industry in line with every effort to maintain the most modern standards of technology and security. Because industry and commerce are constantly at odds with malicious activity in a digital landscape, it’s important to maintain a framework that addresses those potential risks and places adequate security to obstruct their path.


encompass解决方案,Inc。是ERP咨询公司和Epicor Platinum合作伙伴,提供商业咨询,项目管理和软件实施的专业服务。无论是开展现有系统的全规模实施,整合和改造,还是解决企业和业务增长中的新出现挑战,包括为每个客户的需求提供专门的方法。作为专家在识别客户要求并通过正确的解决方案解决这些问题,我们确保我们的客户配备符合行业的速度。