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Industrial Robots and Manufacturing Jobs – A Catalyst for Loss or Growth?

POSTED 08/09/2016

When disruptive technologies are introduced to the marketplace, there is an initial uncertainty among the general population about these unfamiliar products, services, or new ways of conducting business.

The unknown is scary; change is often met with resistance, and people may ask themselves how such innovations will affect their livelihoods and lifestyles. By definition, disruptive technologies are innovations that create a new market and value network, ultimately displacing established market leaders, alliances, and the status quo. Historically, however, it’s been seen that as society becomes more educated, informed, and familiar with innovations such as e-mail, smartphones, and social networking, the acceptance and proven benefits begin to emerge as a result. Similar to other industry shake-ups, the increasing introduction of robotics into the workplace has led to a common perception that careers within the manufacturing sector are shrinking, or quickly becoming obsolete. At a closer glance, however, the world of industrial robotics and automation reveals more opportunities than disadvantages; more reasons to be excited about pursuing manufacturing careers, and a rallying call for the upskilling of students and employees.

"At a closer glance, however, the world of industrial robotics and automation reveals more opportunities than disadvantages."






In addition to this trend of expanding employment opportunities, the collaboration between humans and robots in the workplace has also created a byproduct of high-paying and rewarding careers. Robotic automation has changed the landscape of employment opportunities across the industrialized world as they enable companies to remain cost-competitive while continuing production in high-cost countries instead of outsourcing to lower-wage nations, otherwise known as reshoring. In light of these changes to the manufacturing industry, organizational success is beginning to depend more on building a workforce that can exploit such technological advances. While the notion that robotic manufacturing as a job destroyer has been dispelled, current research has shown that there is now a new economic discrepancy between job skills and employment demand. In other words, manufacturers are facing challenges in finding workers with general manufacturing skills, as well as the talent to exploit such innovations.

"While the notion that robotic manufacturing as a job destroyer has been dispelled, current research has shown that there is now a new economic discrepancy between job skills and employment demand."

Thus, in a world where disruptive technologies and processes are constantly being introduced to the marketplace, it would seem evident that skill development is the answer to meeting and effectively working with such innovative equipment. There is no doubt that robots will continue to be a driving force within the manufacturing community, but through the implementation of collaborative robots, these changes to the employment arena are nothing to fear. Instead, proactive action can be taken now as the future of manufacturing careers will undoubtedly become more high-tech and demand an even greater understanding of automation. In effect, the introduction of robotics and automation is best combined with investments in training and development programs as this would help support the re-deployment and upskilling of students and staff members alike. This new robotic-heavy ecosystem of high-paying and rewarding jobs is untapped in many ways, making training and development programs more important than ever.


“新员工:新一代机器人如何改变制造业。”PriceWaterHouseCoopers LLP。2014年9月。
