






POSTED 10/12/2021


Seegrid Corporation, the leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for material handling, today announced it’s been named #1 for all mobile robots in the United States and #1 in market share worldwide for automated tow tractors in the2021移动机器人报告通过互动分析,供应链自动化行业的国际市场研究管理局。该报告评估了2020年的数据,并专注于制造和物流环境中的材料处理应用程序。

互动分析的认可是在Seegrid持续突破性技术开发的一年中。该公司宣布了其产品组合的扩展PALION LIFT AMR,进一步扩展了该公司移动机器人解决方案机队的端到端功能。该公司计划继续在制造,分销和电子商务履行中扩大和加强其全球市场立足点。

“For nearly five years, we have been closely following the tremendous growth in the AGV and AMR market across the globe, and this report reinforces that Seegrid has successfully capitalized on this opportunity as the largest mobile robot vendor in the US market,” saidAsh Sharma, Managing Director and Robotics and Warehouse Automation Division Lead for Interact Analysis. “Our research indicates that the mobile robot market will only continue growing given supply chain trends and the need for businesses to reduce costs, improve safety, and address labor shortages.”

Seegrid Palion AMRs have been performing and reporting on tasks safely and productively for more than 5 million autonomous miles in dynamic and high-traffic customer environments without a single personnel safety incident. Earlier this year, the company released upgrades to thePalion Tow TractorPALION托盘卡车,使机器人舰队能够使用Seegrid的基于AI的算法更好地理解和做出决策,并具有专有视觉技术。

“交互分析报告进一步发现validation that our mobile automation and software solutions are the proven, trusted choice,” said Jim Rock, Seegrid’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our customers have come to count on us to help solve their supply chain and workflow issues by deploying some of the world’s best autonomous mobile robots and intelligent automation solutions.”

随着AMR投资组合和功能的快速扩展,Seegrid最近添加了一个机器人作为服务(RAAS)订阅模型,为客户提供替代方案,以方便访问最新的Seegrid Palion AMR机队和企业软件解决方案。

该公司将通过其移动自动化技术的快速发展蓝色实验室, Seegrid’s recently-formed in-house innovation acceleration team of world-class experts who are dedicated to identifying new technologies to build on its strong technical advantage. Blue Labs continues to conduct dedicated research and development efforts that will keep Seegrid positioned as a global AMR leader well into the future.



Seegrid combines autonomous mobile robots, enterprise software, and best-in-class services for a complete, connected material handling automation solution. With millions of autonomous production miles driven and zero personnel safety incidents, Seegrid PalionTM值AMR可靠,灵活且经过证明。世界上最大的制造业,仓储和物流公司依靠Seegrid在高度复杂的环境中自动化材料流动。从项目设计到部署,变更管理,用户培训和数据驱动咨询,材料流既安全又优化,并加速了今天和未来的自动化计划。

About Interact Analysis

Interact Analysis is an international provider of global technology market research. Our team of experienced industry analysts delivers research into three core sectors: industrial automation, robotics and warehouse automation, and commercial vehicles. To learn more, visit?www.intractanalysis.com



约翰·克拉克(John Clark)


412-379-4500 x 7090