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每月机器人新闻 - 2021年10月


每月机器人新闻 - 2021年10月

这most intriguing robotics news from the past month, brought to you by the team at RoboDK.


十月在长时间休假后看到了更多自动化贸易展览会的欢迎回报,这增加了该行业恢复正常的感觉。食欲显然在那里,有些节目看到50% increase与参与者相比,参与者与流行前水平相比。

Industry’s appetite for robots is on the rise too. Q2 robot orders in North America increased by a staggering 67% compared to the same period last year, according to figures from the Association for Advancing Automation (A3)released in October. More than half (5,530) of orders came from non-automotive customers with industries from metals and life sciences to electronics and consumer goods adopting automation in increasing numbers.


Meanwhile, in other industrial automation news: autotech startup RoboTire, which has developed an ingenious tire changing robot, closed aUSD7.5 million Series A funding圆形的;物流,供应链和仓库机器人专家敏捷USD140 million in new funding;日本电子公司Omron Corp.宣布了计划10% stake在Cobot Maker Techman机器人中;AIM Robotics和Kassow Robotsannounced a partnership;Miso Robotics公布了机器人鸡翅煎炸solution.

A system designed to further enhance the safety of human-robot collaboration has been unveiled by researchers at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Dubbed ‘CoHaptics’可穿戴系统可以使用手动跟踪技术跟踪人类用户的运动,并提供触觉反馈,以警告他们与机器人的潜在碰撞。

信用:Altamirano Cabrera等。

Also in October, Montreal-based Mecademic, which specializes in the design and manufacture of small, ‘plug-and-work’ industrial robots for micro-automation applications (see video below for more) announced a partnership with Electromate that will see Mecademic’s miniature arms being made available through Electromate outlets.


A busy October for Amazon Robotics began with news that MIT and Amazon are to establish a ‘Science Hub,’ focused on “areas of mutual interest.” Artificial intelligence and robotics will be the center’s focus in the first year,according to the company:“亚马逊将在未来五年内提供礼物和赞助的研究资金,以支持校园的研究和学术研究金。”

Working on robots inside Amazon’s Westborough facility. CREDIT:David L. Ryan/Globe Staff

Amazon also announced the opening of a new robotics innovation center in Westborough, Mass. The USD40 million, 350,000 square feet facility, which includes robotics research and development labs, will enable Amazon Robotics to grow its engineering, manufacturing, support and test teams.



In October, researchers from the Swiss Biorobotics Laboratory (BioRob) unveiled ‘Roombots’ –modular shape-changing, 3D reconfigurable robots. Each Roombot is a simple device consisting of an outer shell, a battery, three motors for movement, and a wireless connection. Collectively, they can self-assemble into items of furniture.

也在10月份,美国圣母unveile研究员d a reconfigurable swarm of identical, low-cost quadruped robots that can combine their efforts to overcome obstacles in the environment. These robots are more complex than Roombots, with four legs, a flexible tail to improve stability, a light sensor, a magnetic connector that enables the robots to dock to each other, and a battery. Collectively, they can form chains to create a centipede like shape.

这些腿部机器人可以集体努力克服具有挑战性的地形。图片来源:Aydin等人,Science Robotics,2021


OnRobot Launches Free E-Learning Platform

有兴趣学习如何在现实世界中的应用程序(例如CNC机器趋势,托盘和打磨)中部署配角和轻型工业机器人武器?查看Learn OnRobot, a free online training platform designed to guide people of all skill levels through the steps involved in effectively deploying collaborative applications. The new resource, which launched in the last week of October, is accessible via browser on computer, smartphone, and PC, and is available in 9 languages.

RoboDK’s October Reading


  • Can blockchain secure communications for robot fleets? (这Robot Report
  • 研究人员4D打印管状的软机器人能够自行滚动和攀登(3D Printing Industry
  • All this industrial robot does is tap its feet (BoingBoing
  • 敏捷机器人技术 - 腿部机器人的感知运动(YouTubeIROS 2021)
  • 这se weird virtual creatures evolve their bodies to solve problems (麻省理工学院技术评论