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Jabil Optics Wins Best of Sensors Award 2021

POSTED 10/11/2021

英石。佛罗里达州彼得斯堡 - 2021年10月11日– Jabil Inc. (NYSE: JBL) is pleased to announce that their innovativeomnidirectional sensorwon theBest of Sensors 2021award in the Optical & Cameras category. The award highlights cutting-edge advancements and achievements that are moving the sensors industry forward.

“After reviewing all of the Best of Sensors award submissions, it is clear that the sensors industry continues to thrive with new, innovative solutions,” said Charlene Soucy, senior director, Sensors Converge. “The goal of our program is to honor and promote wide recognition of the industry’s most transformative technologies and teams. Congratulations to this year’s award winners.”

颁奖程序创建聚光灯ar’s best innovations, technologies, teams and individuals in the sensors industry. Submissions were judged based on the value to the marketplace, the impact of the problems it solves or issues it addresses, and the uniqueness of the design. The judges for the Best of Sensors awards were Jack Gold, J. Gold Associates, LLC; Roger Grace, Roger Grace Associates; Matt Hamblen, Fierce Electronics; Catherine Liao, Blumio; and Brian Zahnstecher, PowerRox.

The innovative time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensor from Jabil Optics offers, with its industry-leading 270° x 60° field of view (FOV), an advantage over existing solutions in the market. The narrow fields of views of conventional ToF sensors forces industrial mobile robotics platforms to integrate multiple sensors for collision avoidance. In contrast to the conventional solution of using multiple ToF sensors, the extremely wide FOV of the omnidirectional sensor removes the need for integrating multiple sensors and subsequently the complexity of stitching multiple point clouds and the challenges of maintaining the alignment and calibration of multiple sensors. The ground-breaking, solid-state design is one of several sensing systems Jabil’s optical business unit (Jabil Optics) is designing to support lower-cost autonomous mobile robotics and collaborative robotics platforms.

Jabil Optics业务发展高级总监Ian Blasch说:“我们很荣幸获得这项最佳传感器奖。”“我们认为该奖项是来自Jabil工程和设计团队的高质量设计功能的外部验证。全向传感器是贾比尔(Jabil)为我们的机器人,工业和汽车客户架构的众多新型传感器之一。”

近二十年来,Jabil Optics已被领先的技术公司认可为高级光学设计,工业化和制造业的主要服务提供商。Jabil光学设计师,工程师和研究人员专门针对其3D传感,增强和虚拟现实,动作摄像头,汽车,工业和医疗保健市场来解决其客户的复杂光学问题。此外,Jabil Optics客户还利用产品设计,过程开发,测试,内部积极对齐,供应链管理和制造专业知识的专业知识Kasalis, a technology division within Jabil.

Learn more about the omnidirectional sensor这里.

About Jabil:
Jabil(NYSE:JBL)是一家制造解决方案提供商,在30个国家 /地区拥有100个地点的260,000多名员工。全球领先的品牌依赖于贾比尔(Jabil)的末端市场经验,技术和设计能力,制造业知识,供应链见解和全球产品管​​理专业知识的无与伦比的广度和深度。在共同目的的驱动下,贾比尔及其人民致力于对当地社区和环境产生积极影响。访问www.jabil.comto learn more.