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Material Handling and SafetyMaterial Handling and Safety


POSTED 11/22/2019

The Problem: Needed Increased Output and Productivity

AA精密工具是明尼苏达州农村的一家小型家族拥有和经营的商店,并进行了全球任务。该公司专注于制造大量和少量的高精度溢出零件,但所有者BJ Schrank也热衷于帮助回馈他的工作。通过液压功率,BJ和他的团队生产了为发展中国家提供清洁水的非电动泵。

BJ was looking for a way to increase output and productivity to better serve his mission, but being located in a very secluded area, finding additional skilled workers was not an easy task. When BJ was introduced to automation as a solution by Acieta, he was hesitant. Many small business owners are under the impression automation is only for larger companies and teams.

但是,在企业需要评估ACIETA Automation专家指导他进行的评估之后,他意识到Fanuc机器人可以通过自动化解决他公司的产出和生产力问题。BJ很高兴得知,即使作为一个三人组,他也可以利用自动化技术来改善世界。


Automation was brand new to the AA Precision Tooling team, so the first step [1] Acieta took was to help BJ define his automation goals. Once defined, a FANUC Robot was determined to be the best option to take on loading their turning lathe and milling machines.

The initial programming was a bit overwhelming and intimidating to the team as there was a lot to learn. Once the team began to understand how to operate the robot employees reported that the use of automation led to an easier, more consistent workflow process. The robot can be used for the smallest operations, reduces junk parts and doesn’t require as much physical labor.

BJ还说自动化有助于赋予他的employees, who instead of being machine operators are now cell operators who monitor the whole system and operation.


As a team, BJ and his two other employees have fully embraced the benefits of automation. The FANUC robot has lovingly been dubbed Penelope, and she’s become a part of their team. Penelope takes on the precision work and has saved the backs of her human colleagues by overtaking repetitive jobs.

Through the introduction of automation, AA Precision Tooling has attracted five new customers simply because they learned the company used automation to manufacture its custom precision parts. Since hiring Acieta to implement a robotic cell in the shop, they’ve also seen a 60% increase in its gross output.

Acieta的专家在BJ的每一步都与BJ一起,以帮助指出其特定业务目标和需求的最佳自动化解决方案。我们想认为,AA Precision Tooling的结果是一个完美的指标,即企业永远不会太小以无法进行自动化 - 我们为了知道我们能够帮助正在努力改变周围世界的企业而感到自豪。