Career Center

Computer Vision Engineering Manager

Symbio Robotics,Inc。


Posted on 10/12/2021





Symbio Robotics正在寻找具有强大技术和人员领导能力的创新领导者,以领导和发展我们的计算机视觉团队。

Symbio Robotics的计算机视觉团队进行了新的研究,以开发基于相机图像来控制工业机器人的算法和解决方案。简历团队构建的基础架构和模型帮助机器人感知到周围的世界,并做出实时决策以解决特定的自动化任务。此外,该团队致力于使这些解决方案成为应用程序开发更广泛平台的一部分。Symbio IP的核心将继续在我们的计算机视觉解决方案中表达,并推动我们在现场部署的成功。



Personal Traits

  • 领导力 - 指导/培训/促进的领导者和人民经理充满活力
  • 工程Chops - strong technically & strong on process
  • 擅长招聘 - 伟大的人想为您工作,即使在计算机视觉工程师的市场上,您也可以为创业公司招聘启动
  • 鼓舞人心 - 讲述我们正在前进的令人难忘的故事,我们做得很好,我们如何从错误中学到
  • Culture - transparent, shares the good and the bad



  • 建立和领导Symbio的计算机视觉组织。团队的目标是创新导致生产代码的新解决方案。然后概括这些解决方案以更广泛的销售。
  • 成功将取决于以下领域的结果:创新,创建的新IP,团队有效性,招聘以及团队在整个工程和产品组织中工作的能力,可以为Symbio客户提供应用程序。
    • 新知识产权的创新和开发
      • 研究用于解决基于制造约束的自动化任务的新计算机视觉方法
      • 积极进行严格的开发和算法测试,以确保在真实生产环境中的可靠性
    • 团队有效性
      • Expand the team’s capacity to innovate and deliver, both through hiring and process
      • 为所有团队成员创造一个环境。在将代码释放到生产中,PHD与软件工程师的正确比率是什么
      • 有效地在整个工程和产品团队中工作
      • Establish good communication & process for application delivery and platform growth
    • Hiring and Managing
      • 将团队从3年增加到9年
      • Mentor and provide growth opportunities to each person on the team
      • Team Brand; work to create a “pull” in the market so that Symbio’s Computer Vision team can continue to compete for talent in a highly competitive market.


  • You know a lot of accomplished, high performing people who will follow you places and/or sing your praises.
  • 对汽车行业的兴趣。我们很高兴将启用AI的工业自动化带到汽车行业,并希望您也是如此!

Minimum Education & Experience


  • 5年以上的经验领先的计算机视觉开发。
  • Experience building brand new solutions (applications, products, systems) and deploying them successfully into production. Help Symbio build the industry standard for intelligent robotics.
  • Experience successfully scaling engineering organizations to increase productivity and efficiency.
  • The requirements for our code are stringent -- we have applications running 24/7 in production today. Thus, experience shipping production-ready code is a must.
  • 拥抱领导力的各个方面。喜欢招聘,指导和成长中的人
  • 从工程到产品到客户的成功,再到招聘再到金融,各个业务的伟大合作伙伴。

Reports to



加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔- flexible mix of onsite and remote work. Not 100% remote.

About Us

Automation enables the best of human-machine collaboration. Symbio Robotics has gathered a team of innovators with the broad range of backgrounds necessary to endow industrial robotics with artificial intelligence. With the promise of quality, reliability, and efficiency, we deliver production solutions powering the next generation of industrial automation to global automotive OEMs and tier 1 suppliers.

Key Values

Are you curious about Symbio's Key Values? We have spent time thinking about this and we are excited to share ours这里。


Symbio Robotics is dedicated to building a diverse team that is as complex and creative as the solutions we engineer for industrial automation applications. We are actively committed to engaging all voices and experiences in building the future of automation.

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At Symbio Robotics, we deliver AI-enabled industrial automation that outperforms the status quo. Learn more about our company and our applications!


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