
We are now several months into the global pandemic of COVID-19. Our thoughts remain with all of those who have suffered as a result of the virus, and we support the first responders who are helping us combat it. While life is nowhere near pre-pandemic “normal” at the moment, we are hopeful that with improved antiviral treatments and encouraging news on possible vaccines that we will get closer to normal in the months ahead.


AIA如何在这场危机期间帮助成员During this time when in-person meetings are being canceled, your digital presence is so important, which is why we’ve invested so heavily in our web tools, resulting in more than one million visits per year to our sites. Your membership benefits have more value than ever to help you connect with customers, find new business and prepare to charge forward when this crisis is over.

  • 利用您的会员个人资料页面:作为会员,我们的行业领先网站上的个人资料页面可以访问正在寻找自动化解决方案的客户。您可以发布新闻稿,产品视频或最新用例。需要帮助设置个人资料或使其更好?电子邮件会员_ empersip@a3automate.org.
  • 展示您的产品:在协会网站上发布您的产品和服务。确保您的列表是最新的。如果您需要帮助,请告诉我们。我们还拥有实惠的广告解决方案。
  • PARTCIPATE在我们的虚拟会议:我们推出了各种虚拟会议,以帮助您与新客户联系。利用我们在这些虚拟事件中赞助,参展和发表的自动化买家达到自动化买家的能力。不要错过RIA Robotics周 - 4天的KeyNotes和Sessions 9月8日至11日,2020年:https://www.robotics.org/robotics/ria-robotics-week查看此处的完整事件列表:https://www.visiononline.org/Events/
  • 继续教育您的团队:我们正在增强我们的强大的在线网络研讨会和培训。查看我们即将推出的产品:https://www.visiononline.org/aia-webinar-series.
  • 与其他领导人的网络:Use our LinkedIn groups to connect with other industry leaders. Find partners and share advice for weathering the crisis.https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1811072/
  • 帮助我们讲述你的故事:您的产品是否有助于阻止病毒的传播?或帮助前线响应者?告诉我们。我们希望与我们的会员,媒体和公众分享您的故事。电子邮件杰基上升了jrose@a3automate.org


我们准备帮助您。电子邮件会员_ empersip@a3automate.org.如果您需要任何帮助或有任何疑问。或者致电我们的会员经理Amy Zmikly(734)929-3273。



Best regards,

