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Component Supplier

Member Since 2004


借助在该行业的二十年经验,XIMEA提供的产品由最先进的摄像机组成,USB 3.0,USB 2.0,PCI Express和FireWire界面以及X射线,高光谱和Thunderbolt™技术启用摄像头。20多年来,Ximea已开发,制造和出售标准或OEM摄像机,用于运动控制,组装,机器人技术,工业检查和安全性以及生命科学和显微镜的科学级相机。主要区别是基于摄像机的极其强大的方式,同时仍提供最高速度,例如USB3视觉摄像机线。


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嗨,我需要一个可以输出高分辨率(8MP +),大传感器(4/3“ +)和高色深度(12位 +)图像的相机。前两个要求很容易找到。颜色深度为具有挑战性。哪些制造商可以轻松12位获取?理想情况下输出16位PNG或TIFF?我不想进行辩论,但是我可以进行颜色校准,伽玛等。任何帮助都非常感谢!


I am not sure if you are looking for CCD or CMOS sensor, but if CCD would be feasible choice then you can check XIMEA's CCD models with USB 3.0 interface. One of them is 9 Mpix (16 mm diagonal) based on Sony ICX814 and can output 14 bit: Scientific Grade, CCD with USB 3.0 - MD091CU-SY. Hope this helps. If not let me know and I can suggest maybe CMOS option.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际关系

Hello, I am looking for way to photo id different anode blocks. In identifying the blocks, I also need a way to Quality control the anode blocks (detect them for cracking, discoloration, and spalling). I am not very well versed in this field so any advice would be greatly appreciated.



The question is mainly in your requirements for the camera like: Resolution, Speed (Frames per second), color/mono, CCD or CMOS, Operational system, interface, target price, Libraries you use etc.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic)

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

I want to mount a camera in my car and record the view as I am racing to be viewed and analyzed later. What are some of the best options without spending a fortune?


What kind of camera would you require ? I am asking since there are plenty of consumer cameras that record, but you can also use an industrial camera.

The question is mainly in your requirements for the camera like: Resolution, Speed (Frames per second), color/mono, CCD or CMOS, Operational system, interface, target price, Libraries you use etc.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic)

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612



What kind of marketing information would you be interested in? It's not very clear from the Category and Question, especially since your company supplies vision and imaging technology yourselves.

Regards, Ivan

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

Hello Vision专家,我正在寻找一个非常专业的系统集成器,以目视检查集成电路。您推荐美国哪个系统集成器?先感谢您。

Dear David Fernandez,

Where approximately are you located and what kind of application you are planning to install?

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

I am looking for a vision inspection system that could be mounted outdoors (on bridges for example) looking at the surface of a flowing water body to measure invasive plant fragments that are flowing by the camera. The measurement does not have to be absolute quantity, but some relative measurement of the "flux" of fragments in the frame. This is for use in measuring the effects of invasive plants infestations flowing from streams into lake water bodies. Do you have any recommendations for a vision inspection system?

Dear Mike Willey,


Resolution, Speed (Frames per second), color/mono, CCD or CMOS, Operational system, interface, target price, volume, Libraries you use etc.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

I need help finding the right camera. I'm after something weather-proof (able to last) and able to do videos well. Nothing under 20 megapixels and lots of storage. No price range. Suggestions?

Dear may,

Maybe you can check our PCI Express or Thunderbolt cameras:由雷电技术准备就绪 - XIT

I am not exactly sure if it is what you are looking for, but it can be a start of conversation.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

Hello experts, I am looking for a vision system capable of capturing very small particles in a liquid. Where do I begin?

Dear Souptik,


伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612


亲爱的兰达尔·杜福(Randal Dufault),

Maybe I would be able to suggest a pair of suitable models and connection if you can share your requirements like: Resolution, Speed (Frames per second), color/mono, CCD or CMOS, Operational system, interface, target price, volume, Libraries you use etc.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612

Which camera is most suitable for 3D scanning?

亲爱的Zubair Aamir,

You can check XIMEA Embedded camera models or Multi camera setup options. It very much depends on your particular application requirements.

伊万·克里姆科维奇(Ivan Klimkovic) - 国际销售
+492 (515) 906-8612