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In R15.06 part 2 section 4.2, item c) reads as follows: Manual intervention – the layout should be designed to allow tasks requiring manual intervention to be performed from outside the safeguarded space. Where this is not practicable and when the intervention requires powered movements of the machine(s), appropriate enabling devices shall be provided. My question is, does free-driving the robot count as powered movement with respect to the quoted section of the standard above?

I have a UR10, and from the manual, they describe freedrive as: 12.1.5 Freedrive While the Freedrive button is held down, it is possible to physically grab the robot arm and pull it to where you want it to be.

I believe this is a UR term that just means hand guiding.

I am thinking of a material handling operation where there may be a jam in the EOAT and an operator may have to intervene to clear a jam, and in order to do so they may have to move the end effector.

I hope this provides some clarification to my question?

Phillip Grambo - Mechanical Engineer II Robotics
(703) 280-7946