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Component Supplier

Member Since 2006


For nearly three decades, Gidel has been a technology leader in FPGA-based high-performance solutions. When high data rate applications require real-time processing, low latency, or high customization options, customers partner with Gidel. Our customers benefit from Gidel’s world-class FPGA platforms, development tools, expertise in algorithms, and design services. Gidel’s easy-to-use system development tools significantly reduce customers’ time to market of FPGA-based acceleration systems. Typical applications are edge computing, mission-critical systems, embedded vision, and data centers. Besides custom solutions, Gidel also features a broad range of diverse off-the-shelf PCIe boards and modules.


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I have an application with a GigE Vision camera and I need to convert the output into HD-SDI for input to a Vitek MGW PicoTough which compresses the data to H264 Ethernet packets. Any ideas for convertors would be much appreciated.

Hello John,

We might have an idea of how to implement that using Gidel technology (

My e-mail address is:

Please send me your e-mail address with some more information about your project: Potential volumes, schedules, application type and more details about resolutions, frame rate and any information that you can provide and I will respond to you ASAP.

Thanks and Regards,

Hai Migdal Director of EMEA Sales and Marketing

Hai Migdal - Director of EMEA Sales and Marketing
+9 (724) 610-2518

We would like to replace the old PCI analog frame grabber that works for analog camera using RS-170 mono. which companies sell this kind of products that can be programmed in LabWindows CVI? Thanks.

Hello Kimberly,

We at Gidel have wide range of digital frame grabbers with Camera Link, CoaXPress and GigE Vision. If you are interested, I can put you in contact with our North American Sales Manager and he will provide more details. Mean while you can look at our web site

Best Regards,


Hai Migdal - Director of Sales
+9 (724) 610-2518