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ATS Industrial Automation is a global leader integrator for EV battery, fixed energy storage, E-commerce packaging, electronic product assembly, and testing automation. Our customers are weary of production problems and want high-volume, high-speed capabilities so that they can deliver a quality product, on-time, and on-budget. With expertise in battery assembly, welding, vision, and process automation, ATS Industrial Automations provides the best route to scale their business. Our custom systems are modular and provide capabilities that enable the switching of products within the same production line. When every day matters, ATS Industrial Automation turns today’s innovation and automated processes into tomorrow’s reality.


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Can you suggest a book or articles for those with no technical that explains how computer vision systems work?

Hi Ruth;

I find one of the best starting points for machine vision basics is offered up through the Certified Vision Professional program managed by the AIA. If you check out the online basic program videos and references, that is a great place to start.

当我雇佣一个新的实习生或工程师的年代chool, this is my starting point to get them introduced to the field.

Steve W.

Steve Wardell - Director, Imaging
+51965 (344) 838-7308

Hello, I was wondering if there is a simple way to convert GigEVision to RTSP...has anyone done this?

Hi Keith:

Just wondering how you made out given the feedback on your query from back in December.

I don't have much to offer up as I'm not familiar with the RTSP protocol. We don't run up against it in the machine vision world were GigE lives.

I am interested in how you made out however. Always curious about how different challenges are rectified in the industry.


Steve W.

Steve Wardell - Director, Imaging
+51965 (344) 838-7308

Looking for a very small structured light emitter/camera setup for use in dusty outdoor conditions. Recommendations?

Hi Jared:

Although we have not worked with many units as you describe, I just recently was made aware of a company (Saccade Vision) that deploys this type of technology. Not sure how rugged it is, nor whether it is the emitter portion only you are looking for, but thought I would at least pass along the reference.


Steve W.

Steve Wardell - Director, Imaging
+51965 (344) 838-7308