


Artemis Visionbuilds repeatable, tested machine vision systems for automated quality control and optimization for manufacturing and logistics. Our proven solutions address needs in the automotive, pharmaceutical, medical, defense, building materials, and energy industries, among others. We work closely with our customers to test solutions at every step along the development process, so that the theory is realized in a proven system both of us can stand behind. Once systems have been built, we can also work with you to link to your current IT and SPC environments, so you can utilize the full value of your solutions and use the data to improve your process. We help your company save money, time, increase reliability, and decrease liability.



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Bill, I think it depends on to what extent you want a DIY project. If you buy a camera from a vendor with a basic SDK they'll likely have video viewer sample code. I know Basler and the Imaging Source do. To implement zooming and draw the target I'd do it in software. You can stitch in an external library to your application and leverage that code. I'd suggest OpenCV or Emgu CV (an OpenCV wrapper) to do that heavy lifting.

You could build it yourself or you could hire us (or someone else) to do it. For basic zooming and a target, it'd take a software guy about 5 days to put together in C++ or C#. You'd likely want to modify and rebuild OpenCV or Emgu CV to always put your target in the middle of your zoomed image.

You could also buy something more off the shelf like John suggests below and set that up. I really don't know if the exact product you want exists though. If it's a fixed station you need something by Scienscope could work.

Tom Brennan



One place you may run into issues is scaling this up as each part and the corresponding inspection(s) would have to be programmed separately. How many different potential parts are you talking about? Feel free to call or email.

Tom Brennan - President

Would like to know if vision based inspection is feasible for large parts and assemblies like axles of a truck. What we are looking to inspect is the "toe" of the stub axles as theses come out of the assembly line. "Toe" is the relative inclination to each other. These stub axles are pivoted at either ends of the main axle and tied to a bar by means of a threaded rod and nut assembly. If you may please let us know, we would appreciate your help. Thank you.

Sanaulla, It sounds like the overall assembly is large but there are two smaller areas of interest. If this is the case your best solution is likely a two camera system. One camera aimed at one "toe" and other at the other "toe". A vision inspection running on a nearby computer would analyze both images and output the difference in the two alignments along with whatever else you needed. That said, we'd need to see pictures of the toe, the alignment to be measured and have some idea of the precision you need. Let me know if we can help you out. In general large assemblies aren't a problem, it's the size of the "area of interest" relative to the defect that matters most. If there are multiple areas of interest far apart from each other a multi camera system is likely best.


Tom Brennan - President

您好,我有一个来自成像源的GIGE相机,我需要在Linux中的C ++中构建一个程序,该程序可以与摄像机通信,更改设置(虹膜和曝光时间),捕获图像并将其保存到特定的位置。首先,我需要一个库来完成工作,其次,我需要一些帮助构建该程序。

Marios, This is something we could write for you. We've built a handful of custom camera viewer applications for other customers.

We also have a GigE vision viewer we've built. We've not used it with Imaging Source GigE cameras but as it's a common standard it should work equally well.


Tom Brennan - President

I have a number brand new LED machine vision lights that I would need to sell. I have numerous ring lights (including dark field), spot lights, Light lines, coaxial, and diffuse dome illuminators. I would prefer to sell the whole lot for a bargain price. Does anyone have a suggestion as to who might be interested or where I might be able to sell them?

Carl, We're always interested in expanding our machine vision lab. What do you have? Can you send pictures and a list?



Tom Brennan - President


格雷格,如果有两个或三个以上类型的blocks the easiest way to ID the blocks is going to be by adding a barcode or datamatrix to the blocks (if that's possible). This will also give you downstream serialization and traceability. Pattern matching and Identification via vision can get finicky when there's a lot of variety. Do you have any pictures of these blocks you can share as far as the other defects? Depending on the pictures I would recommend shipping samples to 1-2 integrators for some testing and take things from there.

Tom Brennan - President

Hello Vision专家,我正在寻找一个非常专业的系统集成器,以目视检查集成电路。您推荐美国哪个系统集成器?先感谢您。


AIA offers professional certifications to integrators. I would select someone who has received an advanced certification and ask for customer references.

We'd hope you'd select us, but anyone on the list of Advanced integrators can help you.


Tom Brennan - President

I am looking for a vision inspection system that could be mounted outdoors (on bridges for example) looking at the surface of a flowing water body to measure invasive plant fragments that are flowing by the camera. The measurement does not have to be absolute quantity, but some relative measurement of the "flux" of fragments in the frame. This is for use in measuring the effects of invasive plants infestations flowing from streams into lake water bodies. Do you have any recommendations for a vision inspection system?


Tom Brennan - President





Tom Brennan - President

I am a concrete construction quality professional active in many industry associations, but I know very little about image capture and analysis. I am looking for a combination of hardware and software to measure voids in concrete surfaces after the formwork is removed. Our industry currently has only subjective measurement of surface to void ratios and color uniformity; both important aesthetic attributes. I would like to build a device to capture images under controlled lighting and reflectance, and then use software to determine void / surface ratio and color uniformity. Several white papers have been written on this subject using Matlab or ImageJ for analysis of greyscale images, but the devil appears to be in the details - controlling variables.

约翰 - 这听起来像是一个有趣的问题,可能需要设计的解决方案。最终目标是到达操作员可以在现场使用的手持单元,或者本机将分析标本带到实验室。

To do accurate color analysis we'll want to use full spectrum white light. For the voids a low angle of light could be best as that's typically used to pick up scratches, dents and other non-uniformities in surfaces. We'd probably also need to come up with a calibration to make sure we're providing consistent readings over time.

Happy to discuss further. These are always interesting problems to talk through. Send me an email or call at 303-832-1111x101.

Tom Brennan - President