Certified Integrator

Applied Manufacturing Technologies, Robotic Integrator in Michigan, USA

请点击这里查看关于AMT的视频About Applied Manufacturing Technologies: Located in Lake Orion, Michigan, Applied Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) is a leading supplier of complete consulting, engineering, design, and integration services, offering single-source engineering solutions to the automation and manufacturing industries.

Michael P. Jacobs, President for AMT, met with RIA recently to share his company vision and how becoming RIA certified has helped improve their business.

RIA: Tell me a little bit about your company.
MJ:Applied Manufacturing Technologies (AMT) is a leading robotic automation engineering and integration company with 29 years in business. Our core competencies have benefited companies in automotive, aerospace, medical, alternative energy, fabricated metal, industrial machinery, rubber and plastics, food and beverage. Our application expertise includes material handling, machine tending, coating, dispensing, assembly, packaging, palletizing, and more.

RIA: Give an example of a challenging application your company developed.
MJ:Working with our technology partner Hexagon, AMT developed The 360º Flexible Measurement Cell (360º FMC), as a standard Hexagon automation solution for robotic non-contact 3D inspection using their WLS400A technology. The goal was to have a fully engineered product that was highly flexible and highly configurable based upon customer requirements without the NRE of a custom solution.

As is typical with automation, a minimum footprint with maximum robot working envelope and throughput was desired. It was particularly challenging meeting these requirements and adhering to RIA industry standards to provide a safe and reliable solution that meets the needs of a wide range of customers and part inspections. The result was a scalable, portable and modular solution offered in three configurations, ready for in line, near line or off line applications.

RIA: What are the primary industries you serve? What markets do you serve – global or domestic?
MJ:AMT还积极customers in automotive, aerospace, medical, alternative energy, fabricated metal, industrial machinery, rubber and plastics, food & beverage, furniture, communications and packaging. Our System Integration application expertise includes material handling, machine tending, coating, assembly, packaging, palletizing, furniture, communications and more. We have installations and customers all over the globe.

RIA: What is your vision for the company?
AMT was founded in 1989 to be the best place that an automation engineer could practice their trade. At AMT we articulate our shared values and company purpose. We demand that all members of the AMT Team live and uphold those values and support our company purpose. This uncompromising focus has allowed us to grow and prosper these last 29 years. It’s easy to demand excellence from our AMT Team when we know that we’ve got each other’s back and are all headed in the same direction.

Our customers benefit from this. When they are engaged with us they know that they are getting the best, most cohesive, team of automation specialists in the world to work on their challenge.

We couple this strong culture with our key strategic anchor which is to always be on the forefront of applying the industry’s latest technologies to current, real world, problems. No matter where the technology goes, our type of excellence will always be in demand.

RIA: How would you describe the current state of the robotics industry in your country/state? What are the challenges you face?
AMT has a unique view of the robotics industry as we see it from a couple of perspectives. From both an engineering services company and as a certified integrator we are seeing major growth and expansion in the market as robotics is now truly impacting change in the workplace as more systems are being integrated. One of the biggest challenges the industry faces is the skilled labor shortage. As robots become more collaborative, mobile and utilize deep learning and artificial intelligence we expect further growth in systems integration and a continued increased need for robotic engineers and services. The challenge is to ensure customers facing the labor shortage know they can rely on AMT to help them find the best solutions for their company.

RIA: Why did you decide to become RIA certified?
MJ:The program is important to the integrator network installing systems and end users buying the system while helping to regulate standards for the success of our industry. The certification allows a system integrator to challenge their own organization on how they conduct business and processes to be better prepared for the ebb and flow of the integration business. This includes the evaluation of both capabilities and preventative measures. Going through the certification process challenges the integrator to verify the correct processes are in place for the 25 qualifying criteria areas. For the end user, it’s a pre-qualifier for anyone purchasing or accepting equipment and stands as a mark of excellence in the automation industry.

To learn more about the188appcob or to download theRIA Certified Robot Integrator Self-Score Cardfor free, please visit ourwebsite.