
内森·比凡斯(Nathan Bivans)

内森·比凡斯(Nathan Bivans)

FORT Robotics

As the CTO of FORT Robotics, Nathan Bivans oversees the development of safety, security, and control technology for intelligent machines. He was previously the CTO of Humanistic Robotics, Inc., where he developed and patented a wireless safety protocol designed for dangerous applications in landmine clearance. Nathan has worked with Motorola USA, in its Mobility’s Cable Headend group, where he designed high-performance multi-gigabit, fully-redundant systems for video and data transmission. He also spent several years at Apple Computer, where his team was central to mobile computer designs, including the world’s first 17? laptop. Nathan holds both a B.S. and M.E. with concentrations in signal processing and computer systems from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a Certified Machine Safety Expert, CMSE®

Shaun Brixey

Shaun Brixey


Shaun Brixey is the Innovations Manager of Execution at Advanced Handling Systems. His team designs and installs innovative solutions to improve efficiency and safety in distribution and production centers. He started his career in the nuclear power industry in operation and automation controls design followed by some time spent in the machine vision industry.

Hussein Chami

Hussein Chami



Hussein worked at Ford Motor Company since Sept. 15 2013 first as a PTME Implementation Controls Engineer and later as an Advanced Controls Engineer at the Ford Advanced Manufacturing Center.

在福特汽车公司工作之前,Hussein在 +Vantage Corporation和Cinetic-Dyag工作,作为控制工程师编写数学算法,设计,编程和测试/调试测量设备以及自动化和垫圈。

迈克·德罗西(Mike Derosier)

迈克·德罗西(Mike Derosier)

Business Development / Safety Manager

Mike DeRosier是Tüv认证的机械功能安全工程师。他20多年的经验包括控制,构建和集成完整的机器控制系统的控制工程。他的安全经验使他帮助公司制定公司安全标准,执行机器保护风险评估,机器安全培训和设计,以及针对机械(电气,电子,气动,液压,机械)的各个方面的安全系统实施。

Elena Domiguez

埃琳娜·多明格斯(Elena Dominguez)

Pilz Automation

自2007年以来,美国PILZ Automation Safeed的安全顾问在美国通用汽车学院(General Motors Institute)自2007年工程学位,密歇根州弗林特(Flint),密歇根州弗林特(Flint)与雪佛兰(Chevrolet),ABB和Rimrock一起在机器人整合工作了25年以下服务•风险评估•功能安全分析和设计•安全系统的验证•评估安全系统的合规性



Director of Robotic Standards Development
188jinbaobo org

卡罗尔·富兰克林is the Director of Standards Development for the Robotic Industries Association. She leads RIA’s standards development activities in developing the ANSI and ISO Robot Safety Standards. Before joining RIA, Carole spent over four years with management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, where she led projects on business process improvement, internal communications, and executive communications. Prior to Booz Allen, Carole worked for Ford Motor Company for ten years in the market research department. Her career has been spent translating the needs of end-users into actionable guidance for engineers and leaders – and vice versa. Carole holds BA and MBA degrees from the University of Michigan.

杰夫·弗莱曼(Jeff Fryman)

杰夫·弗莱曼(Jeff Fryman)

188jinbaobo org

杰夫·弗莱曼(Jeff Fryman)是退休的美国空军官员。他的21年职业生涯包括担任计划经理的11年经验,负责监督技术培训计划。在第二次职业生涯中,杰夫(Jeff)加入了机器人工业协会(Robotic Industries Association)担任标准发展总监,直到他在2013年退休。他在RIA的17年使他负责1999年和2012年ANSI/RIA R15的发展。06美国国家工业机器人安全标准。他还负责组织年度国家机器人安全会议和众多较小的安全活动。杰夫(Jeff)在RIA的角色中开发了用于机器人安全培训的课程,并教授了数百个课程,其中包括R15.06进行风险评估的方法。他还协助就风险评估和机器人安全进行咨询,并继续担任该协会的培训职务。在国际上,杰夫(Jeff)是负责开发ISO 10218-1和-2国际工业机器人安全标准ISO TC184/SC2 WG3的召集人。在国内,杰夫是ANSI/ASSE Z244.1委员会的副主席;控制危险能量的标准 - 锁定/标记和替代方法。他还参与了其他标准发展工作,包括加拿大标准协会的机器人安全和危险能源控制委员会; the Underwriters’ Laboratories Standards Technical Panel for UL1740 (robot safety); AMT and B11 Inc. ANSI Accredited Standards Committee for Safety of Machines – B11; and an advisor to the American Welding Society’s D16 committee for robotic welding. Outside interests include all aspects of railroad operations. His model railroading activities include standards development and participation in regional and national events. And finally, Jeff never denies “going around in circles” -- particularly when he is doing volunteer work for a railway museum where especially is a qualified antique trolley operator. Jeff resides in Saline, Michigan, outside of Ann Arbor.

卡洛斯·加勒戈斯(Carlos Gallegos)

卡洛斯·加勒戈斯(Carlos Gallegos)

Chief, Occupational Safety Training Branch, Office of Training and Education

卡洛斯·加勒戈斯(Carlos Gallegos)在美国空军开始了他的安全事业,在那里他获得了技术人员的技能水平,并获得了通用制冷剂加工技术人员的许可。自2000年以来,卡洛斯(Carlos)与OSHA担任多个职位,包括响应团队负责人,OSHA培训学院的讲师和区域安全专家。他目前在伊利诺伊州阿灵顿高地的OSHA培训学院担任职业安全培训部门负责人。

奥托·戈恩曼(Otto Goernemann)

奥托·戈恩曼(Otto Goernemann)

Sick, Inc.

德国沃尔德克里奇(Waldkirch)病态AG研究与开发的机器安全,标准和法规专家。ISO -IEC -CEN -DIN -AENOR的几个技术委员会成员。OttoGörnemann在工业安全领域拥有多项专利。曾担任应用科学大学的讲师(Aachen,Bochum,Düsseldorf,Fulda,Heide等),以及德国的几家德国OSH OSH保险公司(Berufsgenossenschaften)的教练和巴西职业安全机构的教练(berufsgenossenschaften)(培训师)(劳工,Fundacentro(欧盟委托顾问),以色列(IIOSH),日本(NIOSH)和其他机构,智利(ACHS)新加坡(WSHC / SISO)哥伦比亚(CCS)(CCS)和CATIM(Portuguese Notimied Body)。

Otto Görnemann Expert in functional safety at TÜV (FSE TÜV Rheinland, nº 263/16, Machinery) and Certified Functional Safety Application Expert (SGS-TÜV Saar)

Since 01.01.2018, chairman of the Technical Committee for the Safety of Machines (TC199) of the ISO International Organization for Standardization as well as Chairman of the Technical Committee for the Safety of Machines (TC114) of the European Committee for Standardization CEN.



Safety Engineer, Office of Engineering Safety, Directorate of Standards and Guidance

乔纳森·霍顿(Jonathan Horton)是OSHA工程安全办公室标准和指导局的安全工程师。乔纳森(Jonathan)于2019年开始在OSHA任职,并从事许多标准和指导项目,包括:控制危险能源,机器人技术,动力工业卡车,紧急响应和Covid-19。在加入OSHA之前,乔纳森(Jonathan)在采矿业工作了4年,担任工厂主管和维护主管。乔纳森(Jonathan)拥有弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech)的矿业工程学士学位。




斯科特·肯尼迪is a team member of the Enforcement Programs and Technical Assistance section of OSHA’s Regional Office at the JFK Federal Building in Boston, MA, and has worked in that position since 2010. Scott joined OSHA in 2001, and was promoted to the Regional Federal Agency Programs Officer in 2008. Some of his duties entails providing technical assistance and interpretations of safety & health standards to Area Offices throughout the New England Region, and provides assistance to OSHA Compliance Officers with documentation of enforcement cases based on his professional experience working with the Regional Solicitors office, and as a CSHO in his first 7 years at the agency. He was certified as an Occupational Health & Safety Technologist by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals in 2004. Prior to joining OSHA, Scott was a Foreman for a mechanical contractor within the Boston Building Trades and a member of the United Association of Plumbers and Gasfitters, Local Union #12 for 14 years.




Mark Lewandowski是Procter&Gamble全球工程部机器人创新的总监。他拥有31年的机器控制,机器人技术和机器安全经验,并在高速转换,包装和机器人技术应用方面拥有Procter&Gamble。马克(Mark)领导着P&G机器人网络的机器人创新集团,该小组已被租用,该小组旨在为整个宝洁(P&G)开发机器人技术的标准方法,并负责确定新的和创新的机器人技术以利用公司内部的利用。

马克还是促进自动化协会(A3)机器人董事会的成员,并参加了188jinbaobo org几个行业标准发展小组的机器人技术和机器安全。



Automation R&D Engineer
Spirit Aerosystems Inc.

乔·马歇尔(Joe Marshall)是Spirit的机器人和自动化研发团队的研究科学家/工程师。乔的研究重点是实施航空航天制造中的各种自动化项目。乔(Joe's)通过协作机器人技术进行了许多研究项目,被认为是Spirit关于协作自动化安全与开发的中小企业。乔(Joe)于2010年获得了威奇托州立大学(Wichita State University)的机械工程学士学位。




Jeremy A. Marvel is a research scientist and project leader at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. Dr. Marvel received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Boston University, Boston, MA, a master’s degree in computer science from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, and a Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. Prior to NIST, Dr. Marvel was a research scientist at the Institute for Research in Engineering and Applied Physics at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. He joined the Intelligent Systems Division at NIST in 2012 and has over fifteen years of robotics research experience in industry, academia, and government. His research interests include intelligent and adaptive solutions for robot applications, with particular attention paid to human-robot and robot-robot collaborations, multirobot coordination, industrial robot safety, machine learning, perception, and automated parameter optimization. Dr. Marvel currently leads a team of scientists and engineers in metrology efforts at NIST toward the performance evaluation of human-robot teaming and developing tools to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to effectively deploy robot solutions.

亚伦·普拉瑟(Aaron Prather)

亚伦·普拉瑟(Aaron Prather)


在联邦快递(FedEx)拥有超过25年的时间,亚伦·普拉瑟(Aaron Prather)在整个联邦快递企业中开发并部署了许多技术应用程序。从孟菲斯,印第安纳波利斯和奥克兰的集线器运营到世界各地的快递业务,他都在联邦快递日常运营的每个角落工作。Prather在目前担任技术规划和研究高级顾问的角色中,领导着寻找并将新技术部署到联邦快递运营中的努力,包括机器人技术和自动化。他参加了公司的运营技术委员会,该委员会协调所有联邦快递公司的努力。在联邦快递之外,亚伦(Aaron)参与了A3和UL的机器人标准。通过孟菲斯大学联邦快递技术研究所,他与大学和大学合作,为下一代物流技术人员的教育计划开发。Prather获得了基督教兄弟大学的MBA学位,并拥有孟菲斯大学地理信息科学与制图学学士学位。

克雷格·萨尔瓦拉吉奥(Craig Salvalaggio)

克雷格·萨尔瓦拉吉奥(Craig Salvalaggio)

Applied Manufacturing Technologies

Craig Salvalaggio是应用制造技术(AMT)的首席运营官。他目前领导着包括:销售,工程和人才管理。他对自动化,机器人技术和制造业的行业知识以及他的业务敏锐度使他能够将公司多样化。他的战略任务是继续推动汽车和通用行业市场细分市场的增长和多样性。克雷格(Craig)带来了超过19年的自动化经验,并拥有苏必利尔湖大学(Lake Supear)大学的机械工程学士学位,运营管理硕士学位和Kettering University的MBA MBA。克雷格(Craig)作为董事会成员,委员会成员和认证集成委员会的联合主席积极参与机器人行业协会(RIA)。

Roberta Nelson Shea

Roberta Nelson Shea



  • 尊敬为…
    • 2021年2月,Smart Manufacturing(SME)的“二十名妇女在机器人与自动化方面都留下了自己的印记”。
    • 2011年,美国安全专业人员学会(当时称为ASSE)的“ 100年安全妇女”中有1名中有1名中有1个。
    • One of the 100 Women – Making a Difference in Safety
    • A3在2016年的标准化活动的名誉主席。A3以前称为RIA(机器人工业协会)。
  • 国家机器人安全标准化活动:
    • 自1982年以来,唯一一贯活跃的机器人安全标准专家。
    • 美国机器人安全委员会(R15.06)担任主席23年。
    • 在美国各种国家机械安全标准中活跃了40年。
    • Actively involved in ISO standardization with an emphasis on automation and safety
    • Convenor of TC299 WG3 Industrial robotics (ISO 10218 & TS15066).
    • TC299 SG1研究小组TC299机器人结构的召集人
    • Expert member of TC199 Safety of machinery and IEC working groups.
    • Certified Functional Safety Engineer (TÜV Rheinland).
    • ANSI(美国国家标准研究所)和RIA(现称为A3)的董事会成员。机械工程(WPI)的BS和高级安全工程和管理工程硕士(UAB)。在通用机器人之前,她领导着Rockwell Automation的全球安全组件管理。在罗克韦尔(Rockwell)之前,罗伯塔(Roberta)在Symbotic,AMT和PILZ担任高级管理职位,并从P&G开始。



Carla Silver LLC

卡拉银, is the principal owner of Carla Silver LLC, a consulting business that specializes in providing premier safety and industrial hygiene evaluation and management services to support the needs of clients to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

在成立自己的业务之前,卡拉(Carla)在默克制药公司(Merck Pharmaceuticals)工作了34年,在那里她担任化学家,质量保证审核员,生产包装和制造业主管以及安全/IH专家。卡拉在环境健康和安全行业中工作了26年,真正的热情和专业知识在于设备和机械安全的概念设计,评估,安装和管理,她在默克的北美包装中心拥有30多年的经验。她了解与一支成功的团队安全建造所需的东西,该团队在内,包括组件供应商,制造商,集成商和最终用户。Carla利用这种专业知识来教授和指导他人,目前是阿拉巴马大学伯明翰大学高级安全工程与管理计划的兼职教授。

卡拉拥有学士学位在化学领域,高级安全工程和管理工程硕士学位是经过认证的安全专业人员,有执照的机器安全专家,并且是ANSI/PMMI B155.1委员会成员。

帕特里克·索巴罗(Patrick Sobalvarro)

帕特里克·索巴罗(Patrick Sobalvarro)

Veo Robotics, Inc.

Patrick Sobalvarro是FreeMove®的创建者Weo Robotics的联合创始人兼首席执行官,这是一种综合的3D保护系统,用于工业机器人技术,可实现动态的人类机器人协作。Freemove于2021年4月获得了安全认证,使其成为一项首要技术,该技术部署了动态,3D速度和分离监控(SSM),以保护制造业工作电池。

帕特里克已经超过25年的经过nce in computer vision, robotics, and industrial automation. Prior to founding Veo Robotics, Patrick was the first Entrepreneur in Residence at Siemens Venture Capital, focusing on the creation of the vision behind Veo. He also served as the VP of New Growth Platforms for Avery Dennison, building a new business line in RFID-based IoT products; was President of Rethink Robotics; and founded and led the computer vision startup IntelliVid to its acquisition by Tyco International.

Patrick holds a Ph.D., S.M., and S.B. in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

克里斯·索拉诺(Chris Sorrano)

Chris Soranno


克里斯·索兰诺(Chris Soranno)是机械安全(TüvRheinland)的功能安全专家,并致力于在整个职业生涯中致力于工业安全。在此期间,他曾为安全组件和系统的制造商,分销商和集成商工作。克里斯(Chris)具有与设备供应商和各种全球应用程序中的用户合作的经验。作为病态组织的安全标准和能力经理,克里斯负责地区和全球安全能力,并为美洲指导安全标准化工作。

索兰诺先生是北美众多标准委员会的活跃成员,包括工业机器人标准RIA RIA R15.06,CSA Z434和UL 1740,以及工业移动机器人标准RIA RIA R15.08。克里斯(Chris)长期为SPI B151塑料行业的标准和ASSE Z244提供了控制危险能源的标准,以及许多B11机械安全小组委员会成员。Soranno先生最近被任命为ANSI B11.19(降低风险措施的绩效标准)主席,并担任ANSI B11.20的最新修订主席(将机械集成到系统中)。在国际上,他还是ISO技术委员会的机器人技术委员会成员,塑料和橡胶机,金属成型机和机械安全性 - 包括用于综合制造系统ISO 11161的项目负责人。

Ted Rozier

Ted Rozier

Director of Engineering
Festo Corporation

Ted Rozier is the Director Of Engineering for Festo Didactic Solution Center North America headquartered in Mason, Ohio. Before Joining Festo Didactic, He brings 20 years of experience in leading the Automation Engineering Department for Doosan Infracore Machine Tool Corporation. He specialized in the design and development of Robotics and Machine tool turnkey systems for the Automotive, Aerospace and Pharmaceutical industry.

Ted has managed the development of several user-friendly automation control turnkey systems on a global scale.

作为Festo Didactic的工程主管,Ted热情地希望推进Festo Didactic,成为设计和实施行业4.0学习工厂的全球领导者,并揭示I4.0 Carreer Pathways,以便系统地准备个人在动态和复杂的工业中脱颖而出。自动化环境。


  • ARM ( Advanced Robotic Manufacturing)
  • RIA (Robot Industries Association)
    Robotics Safety Committee
  • AMT(制造技术协会)
  • OMA( Ohio Manufacturing Association)

费德里科·维森蒂尼(Federico Vicentini)

费德里科·维森蒂尼(Federico Vicentini)

Head of Product Safety

费德里科·维森蒂尼(Federico Vicentini)is Head of Product Safety at Boston Dynamics helping foster robot safety technology, risk-based methodology, and compliance for amazing mobile robots. Previously, he was a Researcher at the Italian National Research Council with interests in human-robot collaboration, served as national Chair of robot safety standardization committees, and enjoyed several years of ISO TC299 membership. He holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and co-authored 60+ scholarly publications and technical reviews.



Waypoint Robotics, Inc.

杰森·沃克(Jason Walker)是Waypoint Robotics的首席执行官兼联合创始人,该机器人技术设计和制造易于使用,工业强度,全向自动移动机器人。在创立Waypoint之前,Walker先生共同创立了Cyphy Works,在为DARPA,NIST和国家科学基金会的联系人时,他担任了机器人和运营总监。沃克(Walker)帮助将Cyphy Works发展成为北美领先的束缚无人机供应商。在Cyphy Works之前,他是Irobot的Roomba吸尘器机器人的质量和测试经理。沃克(Walker)获得了堪萨斯州立大学的机器人和控制系统的BSEE。

Ben Waters

Ben Waters


本·沃特斯(Ben Waters)自2015年以来就一直是Wibotic的首席执行官,当时他和联合创始人Joshua Smith将他们在华盛顿大学开发的无线充电解决方案进行了商业化。Ben负责公司愿景,战略,公司运营,几乎一点点的工程以及所有其他事情。他是Puget Sound Business Journal 2016年“ 40岁以下40”的获奖者。作为研究生,Ben开发了自由D系统 - 左心室辅助设备(LVADS)的无线电源系统。他的研究重点是无线功率领域,包括近场天线设计,RF放大器,嵌入式系统以及自适应最大功率点跟踪系统以及这些系统的应用。他曾与Network Appliance,Arup,Intel Labs Seattle合作,最近在2013年与Bosch合作,在那里继续他的无线电力传输工作。本拥有学士学位来自西方学院的物理学学士学位M.S.哥伦比亚大学电气工程专业和博士 in electrical engineering from the University of Washington.

Marvin Winrich

Marvin Winrich


Marvin Winrich is a Senior Functional Safety Engineer at Rockwell Automation - Safety Services. Responsibilities include robotics/automation on-site safety evaluations to national and international safety standards, integrated manufacturing safety compliance audits, “CE” compliance safety, functional safety validations and safety training.

Prior to joining Rockwell, Marvin was 28 years at Underwriters Laboratories (UL); global corporate contact for robotics/AGVs - safety programs, interpretation of safety requirements, development of safety requirements/test programs to relevant US and international standards.

Co-author ANSI UL 1740, Standard for Safety - Robots and Robotic Equipment.


  • 机器人工业协会(A3):机器人和机器人系统,RIA R15.06
  • Robotic Industries Association (A3): Industrial Mobile Robots, RIA R15.08
  • 承销商实验室:机器人和机器人设备,UL 1740
  • 承销商实验室:自动移动平台,UL 3100

Marvin holds a MS Management, MS Electrical Engineering, BS Electrical Engineering



Fetch Robotics

Melonee聪明是获取机器人的首席执行官。Meloneewas the second employee at Willow Garage, a research and development laboratory extremely influential in the advancement of robotics. While there, she led a team of engineers developing next-generation robot hardware and software, including ROS, the PR2, and TurtleBot. Melonee was a 2015 recipient of MIT Technology Review’s TR35 award for technology innovators under the age of 35 and has been named to the Silicon Valley Business Journal’s Women of Influence and 40 Under 40 lists. In 2017, Business Insider named her as one of eight CEOs changing the way we work. Under her leadership, Fetch Robotics won the MODEX Innovation Award for the materials handling industry, as well as being named to RBR 50, a listing of the 50 most innovative robotics companies in the world.
