Certified Vision Professional Program

Virtual Testing Now Available




Certified Vision Professional - Advanced


A3Members: 一年的CVP加入在线访问$ 2,495 单击此处订阅
非会员: $2,995 for one year of CVP-Advanced online access

A3also offers these courses in-person once per year at Automate (Detroit, June 6-9, 2022) and视觉表演(波士顿,2022年)。*Pricing for in-person training varies

现在,现场Proctor实际上可以使用CVP高级考试。Click here有关CVP测试的所有即将到来的日期和时间的列表。

这re is a $495 cost per individual to take the CVP-Advanced exam. One free retake is included if a passing grade is not obtained on the first attempt.

Below is a list of all CVP-Advanced courses and descriptions. Sign up today to distinguish yourself as one of the vision industry’s elite!

CVP Advanced Courses

Designed for the engineering professional, this course concentrates on real-world techniques for putting together optic systems that work. You’ll learn how to select proper lens components, optomechanical layout, including system bends, and mounting techniques. Prior attendance at a Basic Optics course is encouraged, but not required.

先进的Vision Lighting
Designed for the engineering professional, this course concentrates on real-world techniques for successful illumination. You’ll learn how to select proper illumination wavelengths and how to deal with complex part surface geometries. Other topics include illumination integration and controlling back reflections. Prior attendance at a Basic Lighting course is encouraged, but not required.

先进的Vision System Integration

Producing a reliable vision system is no accident. It begins with creating a strong specification that carries through to component selection to system development and finally deployment. This course will help the end user and the integrator walk through the steps needed to enhance their project's success. Individuals of all experience levels will benefit from the techniques that will be conveyed during this course.

Explore the different levels of image quality at the sensor level. Details relating to quantum efficiency, dark noise, signal to noise ratio will be discussed in detail. In addition to topics related to area scan cameras, the proper usage of line scan and TDI cameras will be reviewed. Sensor size classification and new camera mounting standardization will be covered.


先进的Color Machine Vision and Applications
Color is important for a growing number of machine vision applications in food, pharmaceutical, automotive, and many other markets. This course will start with how color images are formed and then review aspects of human color vision that are important in designing a color machine vision system. Then we concentrate on how to build and apply color machine vision systems to tasks such as automated inspection, tracking, identification, and color matching.

先进的Vision Guided Robotics

参与者将获得techniq的理解ues for creating systems that yield reliable and repeatable measurement results. Practices for proper calibration of imaging systems ranging from appropriate usage of targets to accurate algorithm deployment will be discussed. How to manage images correctly to create repeatable results will be reviewed. Anyone who is developing metrology systems or having and need for accurate measurements will benefit from this curriculum.

Non-visible imaging methods offer unique benefits for a variety of vision tasks. In this session, you’ll learn more about infrared and thermal techniques and better understand if non-visible imaging solutions are right for your specific needs.

这ability to correctly analyze and classify details and particles in an image can be critical to the success of an imaging application. Strategies around thresholding, advanced morphology, and the correct usage of particle filters will be covered. Additional topics include training strategies, image transforms, and image filtering.

